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basic words

l'an (m) year
l'anniversaire (m) anniversary, birthday
l'arbre (m) tree
l'argent (m) money
l'ascenseur (m) elevator
l'autobus (m) bus
l'avion (m) plane
les bagages (m) luggage
le bâtiment building
le bruit noise
les cheveux (m) hair
le crayon pencil
les devoirs (m) homework
l'enfant (m) child
l'escalier (m) staircase
l'étage (m) floor [building]
le feutre felt-tip pen
le foyer fireplace, hearth
les gens (m) people
le jardin garden
le jour day
le journal newspaper
le lieu place
le magasin store
le mail email
le médicament medicine
le message message
le mois month
le mot word
le mur wall
le musée museum
le papier paper
le parc park
le pays country
le prix price
le rêve dream
le stylo pen
le théâtre theater
le thème theme
le voyage trip
l'addition (f) bill, check
l'avenue (f) avenue
la bibliothèque library
la campagne countryside
la carte postale postcard
la chambre bedroom
la chemise shirt
le clé key
la cuisine kitchen, cooking
la douche shower, bath
l'école (f) school
l'église (f) church
l'entrée (f) first course, entry
la fête party, holiday
la feuille sheet [of paper], leaf
la guerre war
la lettre letter
la librairie bookstore
la maison house
la musique music
la page page
la phrase sentence
la pièce room, play [theatre]
la plage beach
la porte door
la question question
la rue street
la salle de classe classroom
la santé health
la semaine week
la soirée party, evening
la sortie exit
la ville city
la voiture car
Created by: demyter
Popular French sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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