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Civics/Econ Ch. 2


Representative Government People elect public officeholders to make laws and conduct government on their behalf.
Rule of Law The government and those who govern are bound by the law, as are those who are governed.
Consent of the Governed People are the source of any and all governmental power.
Democracy Government where the people rule.
Limited Government Government in not all-powerful and may do only those things people have given it the power to do.
Monarch royal ruler of England
legislature lawmaking branch of government
Parliament England's legislature
precedent previous ruling in an earlier case providing guidance
common law English system of law based on court decisions rather than on legislation
charter document granting land and authority to set up a government
compact Pilgrims' plan for government was the Mayflower
colony group of people in one place ruled by the parent country elsewhere
mercantilism economic theory emphasizing colonies as source of raw materials
boycott refusal to buy British goods to protest high taxes
repeal recall and resind
delegates a representative to the First Continental Congress
independence freedom from domination
confederation loose organization of former colonies after he Revolutionary War
bicameral structure of legislation with two houses
constitution document written by states after the Revolutionary War expressing their new status
ratify to vote for acceptance of the Constitution
amend process of changing Articles of the Confederation or Constitution
Created by: MrsMcCoyFCHS
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