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1950s & 60s

1950s and Civil Rights Movement

GI Bill Allowed for educational and housing benefits for returning vets after WWII
Interstate Highway Act created federally funded highways and forever changed the landscape of the U.S.
Suburbanization mass migration to the suburbs after WWII, creation of white conformist culture.
McCarthyism Communist witch hunt that occurred in the 1950s, where even state department and Army officals were accused of being communist.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Advocated nonviolent protest to achieve rights for African Americans; lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott and organized the March on Washington.
Malcolm X advocated a more aggressive approach to civil rights for African Americans; promoted black separatism initially, but eventually pushed for passive resistance before he was assassinated in 1965.
Black Panther Party militant African American organization that promoted black separatism and violent resistance; founded by Huey Newton.
New Frontier JFK's domestic program that promoted civil rights and education legislation.
Great Society LBJ's domestic program that continued many of JFK's policies that promoted equal education and civil rights legislation. He also pushed for and signed Medicare legislation.
Edmund Pettus Bridge Became a symbol of the Civil Rights struggle in Selma, used for marches and nonviolent protest for voting rights.
Job Corps created during Johnson administration; aimed to increase economic and educational opportunities for Americans, especially the poor and minorities.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination based on race, religion, sex, color, or national origin. Passed in 1964
Voting Rights Act of 1965 legislation that prohibits racial discrimination in voting. Passed in 1965.
Brown v. Board of Education landmark Supreme Court case that desegregated schools in the U.S.; eventually leads to the integration of Central High School by the "Little Rock Nine" in 1957
Created by: gsibbett
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