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The lands that lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, characterized by wet/dry seasons and influenced by monsoons. Tropics.
Strong winds caused by high and low pressure zones which facilitate changes in weather patterns. Monsoons.
Significant human migrations which began in West Africa as early as 2000 BCE, caused by the search for fertile land and living space. Bantu Migration.
(600-1450) a common form of social organization in sub-Saharan Africa, characterized by a lack of hierarchy of government officials but instead the reliance on kinship ties (villages of extended families). Stateless society.
Largest desert in the world, geographic feature which divides north Africa and sub- Saharan Africa. Sahara Desert.
An extensive grassland (savanna) belt between the Sahara Desert and the African rain forest, served as a point of exchange between north and south Africa. Sahel.
Kingdom located south of the Sahara in the Western Sudan region known for exchanging gold from West Africa for salt from the Sahara. Ghana.
West African kingdom that rose to power along the Niger River after the decline of Ghana. Mali.
West African kingdom that rose to power along the Niger River after the decline of Mali. Songhai.
Legendary “lion-king” and founder of Mali. Sundiata.
Oral storytellers who preserved medieval African history and culture. Griots.
Cities along the Niger River which served as centers of trade and culture for west African kingdoms. Timbuktu, Gao, Jenne.
Grand-nephew of Sundiata who ruled over Mali from 1312-1337 and became very influential in spreading West African culture and wealth during his hajj to Mecca. Mansa Musa.
Religious/Islamic centers of learning. Madrasas.
Best known Songhay leader who seized Timbuktu and Jenne leading to Songhay’s domination of the central Sudan. Sunni Ali.
East coast of Africa where a common language and Islamic-based culture developed as a result of Indian Ocean trade. Swahili Coast.
a Bantu language widely used as a lingua franca in East Africa and having official status in several countries. Swahili.
15th century African states located in central Africa in the Sahel belt, below the Sahara Desert. Hausa States and Kanem-Bornu.
East African trading cities known for Islamic and Indian cultural influences. Mogadishu, Mombasa, Malindi, Kilwa, Zanzibar, Sofala.
Located on the Zambezi River, trading kingdom who’s main export was gold. Great Zimbabwe.
Kingdoms of sub-Saharan east Africa based on Christianity. Axum/Ethiopia.
Muslim Afghan warlord who invaded the Indian subcontinent and destroyed Hindu and Buddhist temples. Mahmud of Ghazni.
Islamic kingdom established in northern India, ruled from 1206-1526. Delhi Sultanate.
Buddhist trading empire in SE Asia. Shrivijaya.
Powerful trading port in SE Asia. Malacca.
Mongol peace, unifying force throughout much of Asia and parts of Europe which made long-distance travel possible. Pax Mongolica.
“The house of Islam”, unifying force throughout much of Asia and parts of Europe. Dar al-Islam.
Italian merchant and traveler who stayed in Khanbalik for 20 years and wrote a journal documenting his experiences. Marco Polo.
Trader who visited Muslim land in many tropical areas between 1325-1354, and had a scribe document his experiences. Ibn Battuta.
An Italian priest who spent years in China in the late 1200s, translated parts of the Bible into the Mongol Turkish languages and built churches. John of Montecorvino.
Navigational tool invented in China, allowed sailors to sail farther distances away from land and navigate greater bodies of water. Magnetic compass.
Urban centers during the middle ages that seemed to be uniquely characterized by the culture of the people and territories around them; examples include Paris and London. Communal cities.
Urban centers where people of different ethnicities came together to trade, and visit government centers, cultural diffusion was prevalent; Islamic and Chinese cities. Convergent cities.
Created by: emarciante9
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