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HIST 1302 Final

Time period of Reconstruction, what it refers to? After the civil war, rebuilding the country after the war
Populist party, what they stood for? Farmers and senators, wanted 8 hr working day
When and where most of Spanish American War was fought? Cuba in 1898, hostiles exploded USS Maine
Progressive Movement period and what it stood for? Period of widespread social activism and political reform across the US, from 1890's to 1920's.
President during Spanish American War, WWI, WWII? SAW- William Mckinley WWI-Woodrow Wilson WWII-Roosevlet and Truman
What started WWI? Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
Who was president for most of New Deal Period? FDR
When, Why and How did US enter WWI? Japanese bombed the American fleet on Dec 7th 1941.
Who was president at beginning of WWI and at end of WWII and for how long? FDR & Truman
Main Countries the US fought in WWII and what were these 3 countries called? Germany, Italy, Japan. Axis Powers
Who, where, and when was the term "Iron Curtain" coined and what did it refer to and what did it mean? Used to describe wall of communism, 1946, Churchill.
Who, where, why and when was the decision to drop the 1st Atomic Bomb? Truman's because he didn't want to sent troops to Japan instead he sent a bomb.
When, where, and why was NATO established? What does NATO stand for? North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1949, All members agreed to fight any country who attacks any member.
When, what and where was the Cuban Missile Crisis incident, who was President? Kennedy, Soviet Union moved missiles to Cuba ended up being too close to Florida so America was on edge.
When, what and where was The Domino Theory used? If one country falls to communism then all will.
What President is most associated with the "Great Society Program" and what was it supposed to do? Lyndon B. Johnson, enhance civil rights for blacks, improve society at home.
What, where and when did the Tent Offensive occur, and what war? January 30th, Chinese New Year, Surprise attacked America in South Vietnam.
When, what and where was The Bay Of Pigs incident, who was President? Kennedy's big mess up, Soviet Union moved missiles to Cuba and ended up being too close to Florida so America was on edge, Kennedy.
Major Civil Rights Leaders during the Civil Rights Movement? MLK, Malcom X, Rosa, Booker T. Washington.
Where has most immigration come from since the 1970's? South and East Asia/ Asian Countire
Who was Joseph McCarthy and what did he contribute to the Cold War? Accusations he made? What happened to him? Huge government official who had a list of communists in the government but he never produced the list and he was a factor in the Second Red Scare. Lost all his credibility because he said communists were in our army.
What was the Checkers Speech all about? Who delivered it? Speech given by Nixon to save his presidency.
What did Nixon do for Goldwater? After Goldwater again became a senator, he urged Nixon to resign at the height of the Watergate scandal.
Major events of Nixon Presidency? In 1971 the 26th Amendment was passed and added to the Constitution. Reduced troops in Vietnam and signed a peace treaty, ending US involvement in Vietnam. Normalized relations with China with detente. Watergate Scandal. Resigned from office
Who was Tricky Dicky and why did he have that name? Nixon because he lied about Watergate.
Why did the fighting in Korea end? Came to agreement within 38th parallel.
What European country tried to hold Vietnam as a colony after WWI? France
What was Brown vs. Board of Education about and what was it's effect after 1 year had passed? 1954,Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated. Topeka, Kansas.
What was the Southern Manifesto? Repudiate against Supreme Court decision (racial segregation in public school), support campaign resistance.
What did Earl Warren do for the Civil Rights Movement? Known for the sweeping decisions of the Warren Court, which ended school segregation and transformed many areas of American law.
What did Eugene "Bull" Conner do for the Civil Rights Movement? Known for his hostile and sometimes violent treatment of blacks.
What did Rosa Parks do for the Civil Rights Movement? Not giving up her seat for a white person on the bus.
What did MLK do for the Civil Rights Movement? U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. Opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. ( ideas of nonviolent resistance came from Gandhi).
What did Malcolm X do for the Civil Rights Movement? A member of the nation of Muslims or black Muslims. African american solidarity. At first urged Blacks to seize their freedom by any means necessary, but later changed position and advocated racial harmony. He was assassinated in February, 1965.
What did H. Rap Brown do for the Civil Rights Movement? A proponent of Black Power, he succeeded Stokely Carmichael as head of SNCC. He was indicted by inciting riot and for arson.
What did Eisenhower do for the Civil Rights Movement? In Little Rock, Arkansas. Governor Faubus sent the Arkansas National Guard to prevent nine Black students from entering Little Rock Central High School. Eisenhower sent in U.S. paratroopers to ensure the students could attend class.
What did Ross Barnett do for the Civil Rights Movement? Everyone having to salute the flag in schools found to be unconstitutional, overruled Minersville.
What did James Meredith do for the Civil Rights Movement? At Ole Miss; when arrived on his 1st day, entrance was blocked and riots, marshals and police were sent; when he started attending the school he had a bodyguard.
What did Medgar Evers do for the Civil Rights Movement? Director of the NAACP in Mississippi and a lawyer who defended accused Blacks, he was murdered in his driveway by a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Helped desegregate the University of Mississippi.
What did Orval Fabus do for the Civil Rights Movement? Famously known for his vigorous stand against the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School in 1957.
What did J. Stokley Carmichael do for the Civil Rights Movement? In 1966, as chair of SNCC, he called to assert Black Power. Supporting the Black Panthers, he was against integration.
What did "Bull" Conner do for the Civil Rights Movement? Birmingham police commissioner who arrested over 900 marching kids and directed the fire station to blast them with fire hoses and let police dogs loose on them.
What did George Wallace do for the Civil Rights Movement? Four time governor of Alabama. Most famous for his pro-segregation attitude and as a symbol for states' rights.
What did James Farmer do for the Civil Rights Movement? American civil rights activist who, as a leader of CORE, helped shape the civil rights movement through his nonviolent activism and organizing of sit-ins and Freedom Rides.
What does CORE stand for? Congress of Racial Equality
What did Thurgood Marshall do for the Civil Rights Movement? First Black to serve on Supreme Court, he had led that NAACP's legal defense fund and had argued the Brown v. The Board of Education
What did Lyndon Johnson do for the Civil Rights Movement? Signed the civil rights act (24th) and the voting rights act. End poverty by great society, the economic opportunity act, food stamps and welfare. Created a department of housing and urban development. Most important medicare and medicaid.
What did John F. Kennedy do for the Civil Rights Movement?
What did Malcolm X do for the Civil Rights Movement? A member of the nation of Muslims or black Muslims. African american solidarity. At first urged Blacks to seize their freedom by any means necessary, but later changed position and advocated racial harmony. He was assassinated in February, 1965.
What did H. Rap Brown do for the Civil Rights Movement? A proponent of Black Power, he succeeded Stokely Carmichael as head of SNCC. He was indicted by inciting riot and for arson.
What did Eisenhower do for the Civil Rights Movement? In Little Rock, Arkansas. Governor Faubus sent the Arkansas National Guard to prevent nine Black students from entering Little Rock Central High School. Eisenhower sent in U.S. paratroopers to ensure the students could attend class.
What did Ross Barnett do for the Civil Rights Movement? Everyone having to salute the flag in schools found to be unconstitutional, overruled Minersville.
What did James Meredith do for the Civil Rights Movement? At Ole Miss; when arrived on his 1st day, entrance was blocked and riots, marshals and police were sent; when he started attending the school he had a bodyguard.
What did Medgar Evers do for the Civil Rights Movement? Director of the NAACP in Mississippi and a lawyer who defended accused Blacks, he was murdered in his driveway by a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Helped desegregate the University of Mississippi.
What did Orval Fabus do for the Civil Rights Movement? Famously known for his vigorous stand against the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School in 1957.
What did J. Stokley Carmichael do for the Civil Rights Movement? In 1966, as chair of SNCC, he called to assert Black Power. Supporting the Black Panthers, he was against integration.
What did "Bull" Conner do for the Civil Rights Movement? Birmingham police commissioner who arrested over 900 marching kids and directed the fire station to blast them with fire hoses and let police dogs loose on them.
What did George Wallace do for the Civil Rights Movement? Four time governor of Alabama. Most famous for his pro-segregation attitude and as a symbol for states' rights.
What did James Farmer do for the Civil Rights Movement? American civil rights activist who, as a leader of CORE, helped shape the civil rights movement through his nonviolent activism and organizing of sit-ins and Freedom Rides.
What does CORE stand for? Congress of Racial Equality
What did Thurgood Marshall do for the Civil Rights Movement? First Black to serve on Supreme Court, he had led that NAACP's legal defense fund and had argued the Brown v. The Board of Education
What did Lyndon Johnson do for the Civil Rights Movement? Signed the civil rights act (24th) and the voting rights act. End poverty by great society, the economic opportunity act, food stamps and welfare. Created a department of housing and urban development. Most important medicare and medicaid.
What did John F. Kennedy do for the Civil Rights Movement? Made the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, the extension of the right to vote for African Americans, appointing a number of unprecedented African Americans to office, and filing proposals for more civil rights legislation.
What did Dr. Bill K. Smith do in Homer LA when he was told not to invite blacks to the first Baptist Church? He told them they were welcome anytime.
When and how did the Voting Rights of 1965 Act pass, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 pass, who was president and which party most strongly supported both acts? Johnson put his name on the VOTING RIGHTS ACT 1965, which let federal examiners qualify registered voters and suspended devices like literacy tests; The CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 outlawed racial discrimination in public places/ equal access to facilities.
What did the FBI do in regards to MLK? Bug his phone and did under cover operations regarding him.
What was president Eisenhower's attitude towards Earl Warren (chief supreme court of who he appointed)? He didn't like him."Biggest damn fool mistake I ever made"; "I'm convinced that the Supreme Court set back progress in the South at least 15 years."
Was discrimination against Blacks in the 1950's legal? Yes.
What were freedom rides all about? Civil Right Supporters travelled on busses throughout the South and at the stops making use of toilets and restaurants reserved for whites. Purpose was to allow blacks to vote.
What were Sit In's all about? Feb. 1, 1960 - at a WOOLWORTH'S LUNCH COUNTER in GREENSBORO, N.C.; non violent protests
What were Long Hot Summers? Summer of 1967, which began a year in which 159 race riots erupted across the United States. There were riots in Atlanta, Boston, and Cincinnati, as well as the Buffalo riot (in Buffalo, New York), and a riot in Tampa, Florida
Who was the leader of SNCC who took over and advocated violence? Stokely Carmichael
What did Black Muslims want? Demanded territory from the United States in compensation for past wrongs in order to create a separate black nation.
Who, when and where was MLK assassinated? April 4, 1968, MLK was killed by a single shot which struck his face and neck. He was standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, where he had come to lead a peaceful march in support of striking sanitation workers. shot by James Early Ray
Who, when and where was Malcolm X assassinated? February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was shot by Nation of Islam members before he was about to deliver a speech about his new Organization of Afro-American Unity. inside the Audobon Ballroom in New York
Who, when and where was JFK assassinated? November 22, 1963, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. He was shot twice, and an hour after his death Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the crime.
Who and why was the "I Still Have A Dream" Speech given? Martin Luther King; in Birmingham a bomb took the lives of four black children at Sunday school
What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott? Massive boycott that lasted months over the city busses, nonviolent.
What was the Federal Highway Act of 1956? Eisenhower built 1500 miles of highway in case of emergency planes cold land there.
Significance of George Kennan in Cold War? American diplomat "Father of Containment", Long Telegram, Orthodox Historiography, how to prevent communism.
Significance of Truman in Cold War? President when Cold War first began.
Significance of JFK in Cold War? Found out that Soviet Union moved missiles to Cuba 90 miles from FL and it threatened our safety.
Significance of Berlin Wall in Cold War? Soviet built it to keep Soviets side of Berlin from leaving and Truman.
Significance of Berlin Airlift in Cold War? Truman enacted the Berlin Airlift to deliver supplies to the Eastern side of Berlin.
Who were the major cabinet appointments by JFK? HI brother.
How did the election of 1960 play out? Who was running against who? Who won and why? Nixon vs. Kennedy. Kennedy won because he was funny and he had experience.
Chronological Order of Civil Rights Events? 1. Plessy vs Ferguson 2. Brown vs. Board of Education 3. Montgomery Bus Boycott 4. March on Washington 5. Civil Rights Act 6. Voting Rights Act
Who was Ngo Dingh Diem? What happened to him? South Vietnamese president that hated communism. His poor leadership and corrupt gov spelled doom; American ally in S Vietnam caused the Communist Viet Cong to thrive & required inc American aid to stop a Communist. He was killed in a coup in 1963.
What was the significance of the Mekong Delta? Plenty of water for fishing and agriculture. This can feed families and provide an economic home.
What was LBJ's attitude towards Vietnam? What was the Gulf of Tonkin resolution? Operation Rolling Thunder? American ships fired at N Vietnam and came up with Gulf of Tonkin to smooth things off. LBJ wanted to fight Vietnam but the American public was against it. Rolling thunder was American airstrikes on Vietnam.
What was the effect of the race riots or the 4 long hot summers? The riots raised fundamental doubts about the liberals' policy strategy. Washington had spent more per capita on anti-poverty efforts in Newark than in any other northern metropolis...
What was the "Black Power" about? What was SNCC, SCLC, CORE? Major events these organizations were involved in? SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (SCLC); Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); CONGRESS OF RACIAL EQUALITY (CORE); non-violent protests
What effect did the Tet offensive have on the American Public? What was the real situation for the Viet Cong after Tet? Angered them.
What was CREEP? Richard Nixon's committee for re-electing the president. Found to have been engaged in a "dirty tricks" campaign against the democrats in 1972. They raised tens of millions of dollars in campaign funds using unethical means.
Who were plumbers? John Ehrlichman, Gordon Liddy (former FBI), Howard Hunt (former CIA), Egil Krogh (head); plug up leaks to the media
According to Lecture, what was a major difference between the Clinton Scandal and the Nixon Scandal in regard to FBI files? Double standard of realeasing files.
Who was Gerald Ford? How did he become President? What were the major events of his Presidency?
Who was Spiro T. Agnew, and what happened to him? elected vice president under Richard Nixon in 1969, but resigned from his second term in 1973 after being charged with bribery, conspiracy and tax fraud.
The invasion of Afganistan, ERA, What were Inflation, & interests rates like under Carter? Democrats, didn’t like suddaim Hussein, high inflation.
Moral Majority? A group of conservative republicans led by the reverend Jerry Falwell who wanted to bring more christian values into society.
Reagans name for the Soviet Union? "Evil Empire"
Created by: rachel.bond83
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