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PE semester 1

Specificity specific to your sport/ activity - Specific training methods and exercises to develop the specific fitness requirements you need.
Progressive Overload  The gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise training e.g. - Distance Duration Frequency Intensity of training
Individuality  No athlete responds exactly the same way to the same stimulus. Everyone is different and for best results athletes need individualized training programs - individualized training programs for individual athletes
Reversibility  (detraining) If you don’t maintain it, you loose it!!! - The Reversibility Principle dictates that athletes lose the beneficial effects of training when they stop working out
Recovery  Without adequate rest between training sessions or even too much rest the improvement from the training effect will not be optimal.
Frequency Number of training sessions per week
Intensity How hard each training session will be Usually measured by heart rate
Duration Refers to either the length of each training session or to the number of weeks over which a training program is conducted. The duration of a session or program will depend on the type of activity
Variety To avoid boredom and maintain motivation vary the training Varying the training will also assist to shorten plateaus.
Balance Maintain a state of equilibrium at rest or motion.
Coordination The ability to perform complex movement skills with accuracy and timing.
Muscular strength The capacity of the muscles to exert MAXIMUM force against resistance.
Muscular power The ability to exert a maximal force in as short a time as possible, as in accelerating, jumping and throwing implements
Speed distance over Time
Flexibility The ability to move joints through there entire range of motion - health related
Aerobic capacity - The ability of the body to perform sustained physical activity without undue fatigue. - related to the capacity of the heart and lungs and blood vessels to transport oxygen to the working muscles and remove waste products from them.
Muscular endurance The ability to exert a force repeatedly over a long period of time.
body composition proportion of total body weight that is composed of fat VS other tissues.
Agility The ability to change direction quickly
cardiac hypertrophy (“athlete’s heart”) The heart’s mass and volume greatly increase with long-term aerobic training and moderate increases are associated with normal training adaptations.
Increased a-vO2 difference meaning more oxygen is extracted from the blood by the muscles  increasing exercise efficiency
Increased VO2 may benefit ventilatory endurance (enhances inspiratory muscles’ endurance) at sub-maximal levels.
what is a macro cycle? one month block of training program
What is a microcycle? A one week block of the training program
what is Cardiac hypo-trophy ? The thickening of the hearts muscles.
Created by: kcini1
Popular Sports sets




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