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CMNS 110

Final Spring 2017

6 Principles of Persuasion (hint: RCSLAS) 1,Reciprocation 2.Commitment 3.Social Proof 4.Liking 5.Authority 6.Scarcity
Reciprocation -Act of making target audience feel guilty by giving free products to them, in hopes for them to repay back the offer
Commitment and Consistency -makes target audience feel accomplished and willing to do again another time
Social Proof -uses statistics and messages about a majority of people to use social constructiveness to make you feel like you want to be a part of the majority
Liking -shares the same interest in the things you like to make you follow them
Authority -Uses appearance, behavior and attitude to make you think they are knowledgeable and trustworthy(reliable)
Scarcity -Tells you that their products are scarce to make you feel stressed out to buy them quick before they run out.
Propaganda (Jowett and O'Donnell Definition) Propaganda is a deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions to achieve a response.
Propaganda (Kellner's Definition) Propaganda is a mode of discourse intended to persuade and manipulate audience into accepting policies that may be contrary to their self interest.
Propaganda Techniques (hint: BNGPTD) 1. Bandwagon 2. Name-Calling 3.Glittering Generality 4.Plain-folks appeal 5.Testimonials 6.Disinformation
Bandwagon Being Part of the crowd. Fear of being left out.
Name-Calling Attaching a negative connotative word to an idea, product or person.
Glittering Generality Simplifying Intention ex. "Make America great again."- Trump
Plain-Folks Appeal -associate with normal, everyday people activities.
Testimonials If someone famous uses this products, believes this idea, or supports this person, so should we!
Disinformation -An act of deception, and false statements to convince someone of the untruth.
Citizen Journalism -Everyone's a reporter -Unsure of which is true or false.
Historical Development to Freedom of Press part 1 -1700-1800: Colonial Press(little political content) -1800-1850:Political Press 1850-1890:Penny Press and Tabloidization 1900: Emergence of Principle of Objectivity
Historical Development to Freedom of Press Part 2 1940: Cooperation with gov during WWII 1960-1970: Journalists as watchdogs(civil rights4th Pillar Media) 1982: Canadian Charter guarantees freedom of press 1990: A period of re-tabloidization 2000: Digitalization (Everyone's a reporter)
6 News Worthiness and Value (hint: 4p-sc) 1.Proximity 2.Possible Future Impact 3.Prominence 4.Pathos 5. Shock Value 6. Conflict
Proximity Geographical and Cultural -ex. Local News
Possible future Impacts How does it impact society?
Prominence Is someone important involved?
Shock Value Explosion by Gas Leak or Terrorism?
Pathos Tear Jerker -Interest in Human Misery
Conflict Ideological or Physical
Media Monoply Dominant and wealthy companies takes control over media presented across Canada. ex in US: started with 50 companies -> 2012 6 companies
Crumbling 4th pillar due to: (hint: GAPBTM) 1.Government Control 2.Advertisement 3. Propaganda 4.Bias 5. Tabloidization 6. Monopoly
Vertical Convergence of Media -one production company controls and owns the production, distribution, and exhibition of film + receives all profit
Horizontal Convergence of Media Production company expands into other areas of one industry. Company can develop in a particular area of production (split profit) or buy out another company that deals with these areas
Hard News -Important to large number of people -More Timely to absorb -Covers Government, politics, foreign affairs, educations, labour, etc... -More Informative
Soft News -Less Important -More Entertaining -Human Interest Stories (feel good stories) -Appeals more to emotions than to Intellect.
Media Literacy -Ability to understand the underlying meanings of media text -"What do the various messages in media represent?" -How are they encoded and decoded? -What Ideologies are embedded?
Ideology -shared set of values and belief that exists within a given society and through which individuals live out their relations to social institutions.
Socialization -process of Inheriting norms, customs, and ideologies of a culture.
Encoding/Decoding of Media Text 1.Dominant/Hegemonic Meanings(Agree with meaning) 2.Negotiated Meanings (Agree and Disagree with meaning) 3. Oppositional Meanings (Disagree with meaning)
Created by: syncbeat72v2
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