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Final Patho Ch 11-17

Renal calculi may result from All the above
A patient experiences chills, fever, and loss of appetite, with edema. Urinalysis reveals casts, albuminuria, and hematuria. What urinary disease is most suspect? Acute glomerulonephritis
Which is the correct order? Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra
Which disease is caused by an acute streptococcal infection where antigens and antibodies get trapped in the glomeruli? Glomerulonephritis
Hydronephrosis is caused by Renal calculi
Which is the correct order? Bowman's capsule, proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal tubule
Intense pain radiating from the kidney area to the groin is associated with Urinary calculi
What is the term for inflammation of the bladder? Cystitis
A renal pelvis infection is which? Pyelitis
Which is NOT a function of the proximal tubule? Filtration of blood
Chills, high fever, and sudden back pain with dysuria indicate pyelonephritis. What will urinalysis reveal? Pus and bacteria
Obstruction within the kidney is revealed by Intravenous pyelogram IVP
The filtration unit of the nephron is Glomerulus
Pyelitis is an infection Of the renal pelvis
Which is a hereditary disease? Polycystic kidney
Urinary calculi are also known as which? Kidney stones
Chronic renal failure may result from all of these
A syndrome involving buildup of toxic wastes in the blood is Uremia
Sudden oliguria followed within a short time by anuria indicates Acute Renal Failure
In hydronephrosis all the above
Which is associated with previous streptococcal infections? Glomerulonephritis
A cystoscopic examination permits diagnosis of Bladder tumors
Anuria means Absence of urine
Which involves a kidney dilated with urine? Hydronephrosis
An allergic disease of the kidneys that follows a streptococcal infection is Glomerulonephritis
The hydatiform mole is a benign tumor of the Placenta
Syphilis can be successfully treated in which stage(s)? Primary and Secondary
Benign prostatic hyperplasia means Enlargement of the prostate gland
The inability to achieve or maintain an erection is Impotence
Enlargement of the prostate that commonly occurs in men over 50 years is termed Benign prostatic hypertrophy
A benign tumor of the placenta is Hydatiform mole
A primary follicle under the influence of gonadotropic hormones matures and becomes a Graffian follicle
Which is caused by Treponema pallidum? Syphilis
Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases is least likely to cause a systemic infection? Chlamydia
Inflammation of the vagina is most commonly due to trichomonas and candida. This condition is also commonly known as Vaginitis
The infectious organism implicated in toxic shock syndrome is Staph aureus
The condition is which the tissue lining of the uterus becomes embedded elsewhere is called Endometriosis
A dermoid cyst is a Benign tumor
An inflammation of the testes that follows an injury or a viral infection is Orchitis
The external genitalia of the female are called Vulva
Which is a viral disease? Genital herpes
Which is the correct order? Ovary, fallopian tube, uterus, vagina
Once sperm is ejaculated, they live about 1-3 days
The observable sign of primary syphilis is/are A chancre
The most common infecting organism in a male patient with urethritis is E. coli
Sperm travel to the urethra by way of the Vas deferens
Which can be transmitted from mother to newborn via the birth canal? all the above
Bacteria are usually involved in which? Prostatitis
The hormone that controls metabolic rate is Thyroxine
Enlargement of the thyroid gland is Goiter
Signs and symptoms of insulin shock include all the following EXCEPT Dehydration
Which of the following is a warning sign of diabetes mellitus? all of these
Disease of the pancreas is a cause of diabetes mellitus
The hormone that reduces the loss of sodium and water by the kidneys is aldosterone
Which gland atrophies in myxedema? Thyroid
The adenohypophysis is another name for the Anterior Pituitary
Hypocalcemia results from which condition? hypoparathyroidism
Growth hormone is also known as somatotropin
Diabetes insipidus is caused by a lower than normal output of which hormone? Antidiuretic hormone
Excess activity of the gonads is called hypergonadism and occurs Before puberty
Which gland produces growth hormone? Anterior Pituitary
The function of adenocorticotropin (ACTH) hormone is to control the production and release of hormones from the adrenal cortex
The pancreas secretes which? Glucagon
In type I diabetes mellitus, the cause is beta cells fail to secrete
What is the source of glucocorticoids? Adrenal cortex
What is the major effect of aldosterone? Raises sodium level in the blood
A cerebrovascular accident is also commonly known as a Stroke
The autonomic nervous system regulates internal involuntary functions of the body and is controlled by the Hypothalamus
The most specific sign of rabies is Hydrophobia
The vaccines for polio differ in that the Sabin vaccine is an oral vaccine
The causative microbe for the herpes zoster or shingles infection is Chicken pox virus
The neurons that are damaged in polio are the Motor
A disease of nonprogressive brain damage manifested by motor retardation that is also associated with infections or injury near the time of birth is Cerebral palsy
Myelin is a lipid material
The fluid-filled spaces within the brain that are continuous with the spinal cord are also known as the Ventricles
Which is/are viral? all of these
Which is an obvious sign of Parkinson's disease? all of the above
Which usually is NOT first diagnosed in childhood? Parkinson's
A motor disorder caused by a deficiency of dopamine is Parkinson's disease
The myelin sheath is found surrounding neuron fibers
Tetanus is caused by a soil organism which is a bacterium not requiring oxygen to live
Which causes destruction of the myelin sheath? Multiple sclerosis
Acute inflammation of the brain most often due to bacterial infections is Meningitis
Which is correct about schizophrenia? Characterized by severe psychosis
Severe deficits in reciprocal social interactions, which become progressively noticeable around age 3, are characteristic of this disorder: Autism
Neurofibrillatory tangles and acetylcholine alterations in the brain are characteristic of this disease: Alzheimer's
The DSM-IV categorizes mental illness according to Groups of symptoms
Which is correct about treatment for schizophrenia? Combination of medication and psychosocial therapy is standard and effective
Which is common to all mental illness diagnoses in DSM-IV? Impairment of academic or occupational performance and social relationships.
An intense fear of gaining weight and obsession with calories and exercise are traits of Anorexia Nervosa
Which best describes mental illness among children? occurs in 1 in 10 children
Which can contribute to the development of alcohol or drug dependence? all the above
Severe, persistent worries that are out of proportion to the circumstance are characteristic of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Which is correct about mental illness? Severe and debilitating, usually requiring medical treatment
Aggressive, antisocial behavior and willful disobedience is characteristic of this disorder: Conduct disorder
Bipolar disorder is characterized by which of the following? all the above
A muscle attaches to bone through tendons
Who are more at risk for osteoporosis? postmenopausal women
Articulating bone are held together by ligaments
A disease of muscle in which the muscle fibers become necrotic is muscular dystrophy
Osteogenic sarcoma may be a complication of Paget's disease
Which of these diseases is hereditary? muscular dystrophy
Fever, leukocytosis, tachycardia, nausea, anorexia and pain in a leg are signs and symptoms of possible infection in bone
Which is more characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis? systemic inflammatory disease
Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disease in which myoneural junction is diseased
Which is thought to result in osteoporosis? lack of dietary calcium and exercise
Which age group is most at risk for gout? middle-aged man
Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is indicated with discovery of antiglobulin antibodies
Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is made by what test that measures the velocity of nerve impulses? Electromyography
Acne may lead to scarring and disfigurement
Which is the correct order from outside to inside? epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue
The skin lesions of acne arise in response to all the above
The most common method of diagnosing a skin disease is visual examination
Verucca vulgaris appearing on a foot is normally called plantar wart
Which is related to poor living conditions? scabies
Urticaria is also known as Hives
Streptococcal skin infections include erysipelas
Which of the following is fungal? all the above
An infectious disease of the skin that commonly affects children is known as impetigo
A liver disease patient has abnormally yellow skin. This is what condition? Jaundice
Created by: EHamilton
Popular Bacteriology sets




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