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Ch 8 Test

5th Grade Social Studies - Chapter 8 Test

One major cause of the French and Indian War The French claimed the Ohio Valley
What did the British government do to help pay the cost of the French and Indian War? They passed the Sugar Act
Representation a voice in one's government
How did the colonists protest the taxes? boycott---they refused to pay
Committees of Correspondence spread information quickly
When did the British realize that the fight against the colonists would not be easy? after the Battle of Bunker Hill
Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord important? they marked the beginning of the American Revolution
July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence
United States first plan of government Articles of Confederation
One effect of the Articles of Confederation the states stayed together during the American Revolution
Commander of chief of the Continental Army George Washington
head of the committee of the Articles of Confederation John Dickinson
He organized the first Committee of Correspondence in Boston and maybe started the Boston Tea Party Samuel Adams
Main author of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson
Called for a resolution in the Second Continental Congress for independence from Britian Richard Henry Lee
Proclamation of 1763 announcement to set aside land west of the Appalachian Mountains for Native Americans
How did Congress react to the Proclamation of 1763? They ignored it
Why did the First Continental Congress meet in 1774? What did it do? They met to decide how to deal with the British--They signed a petition to stop trade and formed a militia
What were effects of the Battle of Bunker Hill -People rebelled -Beat King George -Crushed the Colonists
"Governments are instituted (formed) among Men, deriving (getting) their just powers from the consent (ok) of the governed." The men get to make a plan. The people get POWER!
How did colonists protest British imperial policies? 1) Ignored British laws 2) Boycotted British goods 3) Boston Tea Party 4) formed militias 5) took down statues of the King
Created by: amarshall4
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