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SS 8 Chap 22/23

Decline to lose strength or power over time
Voluntary not forced; done of one's own free will
Specify to name or describe in exact detail
Infrastructure underlying foundation on which a community or nation depends, such as its roads, bridges, etc.
Domestic having to do with the home or housework
Confer to exchange ideas with someone
Minimum smallest or least required or allowed
Fundamental basic, essential; most important
Troubled Industries overproduction, a situation in which the supply of manufactured goods exceeds the demand.
The Downward Spiral bankruptcy is financial failure caused by a company's inability to pay its debts.
The Bonus Army extra payment
Bank Holiday a four day closing of the nation's bank.
domestic having to do with a country's internal affairs
impose to place a burden on someone or something
restrict to confine, to keep within a certain limit or area
critic someone who makes judgements on the value of objects or actions
analyze to critically examine an idea or object by separating it into parts
accumulate to slowly collect, to increase in amount over time
participate to take part in, to share in an activity
disarmament the reduction or limitation of military armaments
communism an economic and political system in which the state owns the means of production and a single party rules
overproduction situation where the supply of manufactured goods exceeds the demand
bankruptcy financial failure due to an inability of a company to pay its bills
default failure to pay their loans
bonus extra payment of money
fireside chats FDR's radio talks to reassure Americans in the depression
pensions retirement payment to older people after they stop working
civil rights rights guaranteed under the US Constitution for equal protection under the law and the right to vote
payroll tax a tax taken from someone's paycheck to be sent to government or other location
collective bargaining the right of a union to negotiate salary and working conditions for all its workers
sit-down strike workers stay in the factory but stop production
deficit spending the situation where a government spends more money than it receives in taxes
Created by: charriez
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