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US History 8-18 Fin.

8th grade HIstory Final Wilson, Chapters 8-18

(8) Article of Confederation paln fo national goverment, ratified in 1781, national goverment would be run by legislative body called congress, important powers left to states
(8) Land Ordinance Law that established a plan for dividing the federally owned lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. called for surveyers to stake out 6 mile square plots. Later became Northwest terriroty.
(8) Northwest Ordinance law that described how the Northwest Territory was to be governed. self-goverment, slavery outlawed
(8) Shay's Rebellion uprising of Massachusetts farmers who demanded debt relieif. protest unfair taxation, at first stopped courts from selling farmers' possesions and jailing those who couldn't pay debts. put down.
(9) Department of State Congress created this department (1 0f 5, Dealt with relations with other countries, Secretaty of State = Thomas Jefferson
(9) Department of War Congress created this department (1 0f 5)in charge of the nation's defense. Secretary of War = Henry Knox
(9) Department of Treasury Congress created this department (1 0f 5)in charge of the nation's economy (financial security)Secretary of Treasury = Alexander Hamilton
(9) Department of Justice Congress created this department (1 0f 5)advise the president on legal matters, Attorney General = Edmund Randolph
(9) Department of Postal Service Congress created this department (1 0f 5)Another high office, the one of postmaster, was not elevated to cabinet status until 1829
(9) Washington's Inaguration At federal Hall, in New York City (capital) Washington knew he had to set a precedent, John Adams is vice,
(9) Trans-Appalachian West Land between the Appalacion Mountains and the Mississippi River. Spain, Britian, Native Americans, & U.s. all claimed the land.
(10) Election of 1800 John Adams (federalist) vs. Thomas Jefferson (demo.- rep.), Jefferson wins, adams-65, jeff.-73, Burr-73. house of rep.s vote, Jeff. becomes pres. w/ burr as vice. The way the demo.rep. party wanted it.
(10)Louisianna Purchase Held by Spain then France, Napolean sold it to Jefferson when Jeff. asked to buy the port of New Orleans.
(10) War of 1812 2 main phases,first phase Britian mostly fought france,Americans defeated British already in u.s. that had united w/ native americans, phase 2 u.s. defends themselves when Britian attacks them showing they are strong, peace treaty signed, nothing resolved
(10)Marbury vs. Madison marbury was in the process of being appointed Justice of Peace when Jefferson became pres. to finish being appointed he need papers that Madison was supposed to deliver but Jeff. told him not to. Marbury sued but court decided in favor of Madison
(10)Lewis and Clark Expedition first named corps of discovery, Lewis was appointed by Jeff.(pres.) & lewis then chose clark, They took notes of what they saw and searched for all water route across continent, Sacagwea's land & Language knowledge was helpful
(10)Federalist political party of Hamilton and Adams; supported a strong central goverment.
(10)Impressment the act of seizing by force; between 1803 and 1812, the British impressed, or kidnapped, about 6,000 American Sailors to work on British ships ( needed for war, British people wouldn't volunteer to fight )
(11) American System plan introduced in 1815 to make America economically self-sufficient. protective tariffs-tax on imported goods, national bank, improve transportation systems
(11) Nat Turner leader of an 1831 slave rebellion in Virginia, largest, made Virginia think about becoming a free state.
(11) Missouri Compromise Missouri wanted 2 b state but this would upset the free state-slave state balance, then Maine broke away from Massachusetts and also wanted to be a state but free, both were entered into the union, Mason-Dixon line established between PA & Maryland 1820
(11) Inventious/Technology Improvements Industrial Revolution(late1700s) Lowell Mills textile mills, Fulton first steamboat, Cooper fitst steampowered train, Morse telegraph, threshing machine & Mechanical reaper. Eli Whitney made Cotten Gin, now south could provide enough cotton for north,
(11) Gibbons vs. Ogden strenghtened the fed. gov. 2 steamship operators fought over shipping rights on the Huson R. in NY, Court - interstate commerce can only be regulated by fed. gov.
(12)Election of 1842
(12)Trail of Tears forced removal of the Cherokee from their homeland to Indian Territory. 16,000, 1/4 died, winter & fall, left with nothing but clothes on thier backs.
(12)Doctorine of Nullification idea that a state had the right to nullify or reject, a federal law that it considers unconstitutional. South Carolina nullifies tariff of Abominations
(12)1st/;2nd National Bank of the U.S. Jackson wages war on the 2nd bank, he thinks they have to much power & are corrupt. He pulls federal money out of bank and eventually it dies.
(12)Panic of 1837 Cause by the national bank dieing, state banks make loans easier to get, economy thrives, but then the banks can't back loans and people begin to panic pulling gold out of bank, the bank quickly runs out
(12)Jacksonian Democracy the idea of widening political power to more people, majority rules, widening political power to more people, no more control of goverment by wealthy
(13)bighan Young Mormon leader who moved his folowers to Utah to practice thier religion in peace, many didn't like thier practice of poligamy ( multiple wives) or sharing land, killed first leader Josph Smith
(13) Stephen Austin founded a colony for Americans in Spanish Texas
(13)Sam Houston commmander of the Texas army at the Battle of San Jacinto; later elected president of the Republican of Texas.
(13)San Jacinto Battle fought where Houston suprised Texas army killing 1/2 in 18 minutes, Santa Anna (pres. of Mex.) signed treaty giving Texas it's freedom
(13)Lone Star Republic nickname of the republic of Texas once free from Mexico (before joining U.S.)
(13)Bear Flag Revolt rebellion by Americans in 1846 against Mexican rule of California. declared themselves free and formed republic of california.
(13)Mexican Cession mexican territory surrendered to the U.S. at the end of the war with Mexico. amounts to 1/2 of present day Mexico.
(13)John O'Sullivan gave the name to the belief that the U.S. was meant to expand from coast to coast, he called it Manifest Destiny.
(13)James Marshall Carpenter who discovered gold in California in 1848. building a sawmill in north cal. sae a shiny stone in the nearby American River
(13)San Francisco The port city of San Fran. grew to become a center of banking, manufacturing, shipping, and trade. it's pop. exploded from around 400 to 35,000 in 1850.
(14)Second Great Awakening renewal of religious faith in the 1790s and early 1800s, revivalist preachers insisted anyone could be saved, new interpertation of Christianity
(14) Prison Reform Movement demanded special jails for children, called for adult prisoners to be prepared to live useful lives after their release
(14) Temperance tempermance movement: campaing to stop the drinking of alcohol, heavy drinking was common in 1800s, some men spent most of their wages on alcohol leaving none for their family, laws were pasted in many states then later repealed
(14)Mentally Ill Reform Dorthea Dix, learned that some women were only jailed because they were mentally ill, they were not treated & chained & beaten, she spoke about this widely and her efforts resulted in publicly funded mental hospitals
(14)Workers Rights Movement women bannned together to start a labor union, and demand better working conditions, they went on strike but stopped before they usually would because of Panic of 1837
(14)Horace Mann reformer who advocated improveing education, by 1850 most Northern states had opened public schools
(14)Shakers member of a Christian sect that practiced communal living and did not allow marriage and childbearing. relied on converts, in 2005 their were only 5 left.
(14) William Lloyd Garrison published an abolinitionst newpaper, the liberator, in boston. many hated his views, in boston a mob grabbed him and dragged him toward a park to hang him. he was rescued by the mayor.
(15) North/South economic differences N: factories-profit-more factories & machines (industrie and immigration)S: Land & Slaves-profit-more land & lsaves (agriculture & slavery)
(15) Free-Soil Party political party dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery, won 10 seats in Congress (1848) made slavery a key issue in national politics
(15) Uncle Tom's Cabin novel published by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852 that showed slavery as brutal and immoral, describes escape of slave name Eliza and her baby across Ohio River
(15)Republican Party political party formed in 1854 by oopponets of slavery, John Fremont, northern interests, abolitionists, Northern Whigs, Free Soil party, opposed Kansas-nebraska Act
(15) John Brown/ Harper's Ferry John Brown wnated to provoke slave uprising to do this he wanted to capture Harper's Ferry : federal arsenal in Virginia; captured in 1859 during an anti-slavery revolt
(15) Election of 1860 Lincoln beat Bell, Beckinridge, and Douglass. Beckinridge and Bell competed for southern votes, Lincoln and Douglass fighted for Northern votes. Lincoln won because north population was larger than south's.
(15) Southern Cession When Lincoln wins Southern states secede, South Carolina was first, (1860), then Mississippi, Flo. Ala. Geo. Lou. & Texas
(16) Anaconda Plan union stategy to defewat the confederacy, designed straggle the Souths; economy, naval blockade of south's coastline, taking control of the Miss. R. ( split con. in 2). Capturing Richmond, Vir. Con. Capital
(16) 1st Battle of Bull Run first major battle of the civil war, Confederate win, C: led by Pierre Beauregard & reinforced by Jackson, proved the war would not be fast, it would be bloody, and south would fight fiercely 4 confederacy
(16) Richmond, Virginia Capital of Confederacy
(16) George McClellan one of the main Union Generals, good at preparing his army, got fired because he was slow to attack.
(16) North/South strengths and weaknesses U:S: large pop. 85% nations factoies, 70% nations Railroads, almost all nations naval vessels & shipyards, U:W: had to depend on long supply line, fewer good mil. leaders, soiders fighting offensive war. south opposite.
(16) Weapons Improvement Rifle and minie ball increased range of accuracy, Grenades were thrown by hand & exploded on impact. ironclads, naval warships covered with iron, faster, better protected than wooden ships. increased the number of casulties, changed battle field strategy
(16) Robet E. Lee Main General for confederacy. Lincoln asked him to lead union, he declined then joined the con. Great War hero
(17) Emancipation Proclamation document issued by Lincoln that declared that all slaves in Confederate-held territory were free. Couldn't really be inforced, Lincoln thought it unconstitutional to band slavery everywhere, angered many.
(17) Draft Towards the end of the war no one from th North or south voluteered to fight. they were tired of war. So the both sides had to draft people to fight.
(17) 54th Massachusetts Volunteers regiment of African-Americans soliders that gained fame for ir courageous assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina, lost, but were earning respect for their race.
(17) Gettysburg/Vicksburg battle in 1863 in Pennsylvania when Union forces stopped a Confederate invasion of the north. started on July 1st, lasted 3 days, U.23,000 C.28,000Casualties.south never recovered form this defeat.V.after nearly month&1/2 banbardment surrounded=surrender
(17) Wiliam Tecumseh Sherman pushed through the deep south, battle southward from Tennesse, took Atlanta (1864)
(17) Appomattox Court House small town in Virginia, Lee met Grant, to arrange surrender, here Grant offered generous terms of surrender.
(17) Antietam bloody battle in maryland that ended Lee's first invasion of the North, made Lincoln feel confident enough to make the emancipation proclamation.
(17) Sherman's March to the Sea Union general Sherman's destructive march across Georgia, tore up railroad lines, destroyed crops, burned & looted towns
(18) 13th amendment slavery abolished, passed Jan. 31, 1865 not ratified until Dec. 6 1865
(18) 14th Amendment Civil rights, protected citizens rights, promised equal protection of the law. all people born of naturlaized in the U.S. were citizens, had the same rights & were granted "equal protection of laws"
(18) 15th Amendment right to vote (African-Americans) Women were not included, this made them angry. "citizens could not be stopped from voting because of race, color, of previous condition of servitude"
(18)Freedmen's Bureau federal agency set up to help former enslaved people. started freedmen's schools
(18)Panic of 1873 financial panic in which banks closed and stock markets crashed. caused depression, lasted 5 years, 18,000 companies folded, & 1/2 million workers lost their jobs.
(18)Sharecropping system under which landowners gave poor farmers seed. tools, and land to cultivate in exchange for part of their harvest. if ex-slaves wanted any type of land it was this or the contract system
(18)Tenure of Office Act prohibits the president from firing goverment officials without senate approval, Johnson fired his sec.of War over disagreement, 3 days later he was impeached 4 it.
(18)Ku Klux Klan SECRET GROUP THAT USED VIOLENCE TO TRY 2 RESTORE DEMOCRATIC CONTROL OF THE SOUTH AND KEEP aFRICAN aMERICANS POWERLESS. Grant made an anti-klan bill, a black memeber of congress had received death threats from them,arrested 1,000s of KKK members atack stop
Created by: horsefanatic63
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