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Soc Studies Voc A-K

Social Study Vocabulary Terms (A-K)

3/5 compromise the agreement that a slave was worth 3/5 of a person in the census. This allowed the south more representation in congress
Abolish to put an end to something
Agriculture farming
Allied Powers of WWI WWI (Entente Powers): France, Britain, Russia, Italy who fought against countries in the “Central Powers”
Allied Powers of WWII WWII: France, Poland, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, United States
Analyze provide a through description of the topic
Annex taking over of land from an owner. Ex: the government taking land to build a road
Axis Powers Group of countries that signed the Tripartite Act in 1940; Consisting of Germany, Italy and Japan
Bias a source that has preference for one side. Either on purpose or not intentional
Bibliography list of resources used on a paper, essay, video, newspaper, etc
Bill of Rights first ten amendments to the constitution that outline the rights that all citizens should have
Brown v Board of Education 1954. Overturned Plessey v Ferguson. Called for the integration of public schools.
Canal man-made waterway used by boats to transport goods and passengers
Central Powers (WWI ) The alliance of Germany, Austria- Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria.
Chronological the order that an event happens. First, second, third
Civil Disobedience the refusal to obey certain laws that one believes to be unjust
Civil War war between the northern (Union) and the southern (Confederate) states in the USA. Fought over disagreements between the two, including slavery, economics, civil rights
Climate the temperature and weather patterns of a specific area of the earth, over long term
Cold War the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union over Communism and Democracy
Command Economy economy where decisions regarding production and investment are controlled by the government
Communism a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property
Confederate Southern States during the Civil War. ( North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Texas, Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky & Missouri)
Conscientious Objector a person who does not want to physically fight in a war but helps out in noncombat roles.
Constitution set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed
Credible a source that is believable. The source usually has experience or a degree in the topic to be considered credible.
Critique analyze the positives and negatives
Currency something used as a medium of exchange to buy something; usually cash money
Deficit money the US Government borrows from other country’s to pay our bills
Define give the meaning of a word or concept
Demand The amount of a product that wanted by consumers in the market
Demonstrate explain a concept and make it clear that you understand it
Describe provide characteristics or a definition of something
Dictatorship a government run by one person or group, usually rules by force
Discrimination treating a person differently because of their membership or perceived membership in a certain group
Divine Right when a ruler claims that god intended for them to be in power
Economic dealing with money in a certain area or country
Emigrate when a person leaves a country to move to another
Enlightenment cultural and intellectual movement, emphasized science, research, inventions, new governments, etc
Executive Branch Enforces the law. (includes the president)
Explain give details about something
Federal Reserve the central banking system of the United States. Sets interest rates, monitors inflation
Foster help protect or grow something
Free speech the right to say whatever one wants without being punished
Geography referring to land, mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.
Globalization the process where everybody in the world is connected and in constant communication
Great Depression 1930s economic collapse, caused great poverty and suffering
Great Migration Mass movement of ex-slaves from the south to the north after the Civil War
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) the value of all the goods and services produced within a country over a period of time
Illegal against the law
Immigrate when a person moves into a country
Imperialism the policy of extending the rule or influence of one country onto another country or colony
Imports products that are brought into the country from other countries
Income Tax A tax on earned income
Indigenous people who are natural to an area. Ex: Native Americans
Industrialization the process where a group of people begin to focus more on manufacturing and less on farming. Brings both economic and social change
Inflation rise in overall prices over a period of time
Interdependence when two things are connected and if one thing changes it will cause the other to change as well
Internment Camps camps that imprison a large group of people, typically of the same race or religion. Ex: Jews in Germany during WWII and Japanese in the USA after Pearl Harbor
Iron Curtain Cold War term referring to areas in eastern Europe that had fell to communism
Isolationism The belief that a country should isolate itself from the rest of the world and their conflicts
Jim Crow Laws Laws in the South that mandated segregation of the races under the idea of “separate but equal”
Judicial Branch interprets the law ; courts (i.e., Supreme Court, Court of Appeals)
Branches of United States Government Executive, Legislative and Judicial
Exports Products that are shipped out of a country
Created by: pj johnson
Popular History sets




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