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SLO SS Vocab Terms

slash and burn method of agriculture used by native americans where fires ares set to clear land
three sisters main crops of native americans; squash corn (maize) and pole beans
daub and wattle building material of woven strips of wood covered with straw and mud
palisade a fence or wall constructed for defense
shaman native American leader believed to have influence in the spirit world
dugout native American canoe built from burned and hollowed out tree
wig wam native American house built from bark of a tree and sapplings (small trees)
ceremonial crop a crop such as tobacco used by native americans during religious ceremonies
council native American political structure
encomienda Spanish plantation developed by conquistadors in the new world during the 1600s
joint stock company most early colonies were established by this type of business group in which investors own shares of the company
Gullah the name given to the culture that developed among the enslaved Africans along the Carolina sea islands
mercantilism the name given to the economic policy of keeping a countrys gold at home by exporting more than is imported
stono rebellion the name of the 1739 slave revolt in south Carolina
headright a system designed to attract settlers to the American colonies in which land was provided to anyone who paid for their own passage to the new world
indentured servant in colonial times a poor person who agreed to work four to ten years for someone who paid his or her travel expenses to a colony
enumerated list a list of products that colonial settlers were required to sell only to England
salutary neglect disreguard by the government that has a beneficial effect
house of burgesses established by the London company in 1619 this assembly gave settlers a voice in the Virginia colony
persecute to treat someone poorly or oppress them because of their race, religion or beliefs
magna carta established in 1215 this charter became part of English political life and became the foundation of limited government
stamp act this law was a tax on all printed materials including court documents licenses wills contracts newspapers and playing cards
boycott a refusal to buy goods
indirect tax a tax where the consumer bears the cost of the tax through higher prices
Townshend act a tax on glass paper paint lead and tea
tea act a law that forbid colonist from buying
militia an army of private citizens
mobile war a military strategy designed to wear down an enemy
pyrrhic victory when one side wins a battle but the cost is staggering in terms of men and supplies
de facto a term meaning actually
de jure a term meaning by right according to law
treaty of paris this formally ended the American revolution
patriots fighters who attack an enemy within occupied territory
confederation loose alliance between 13 states
shays rebellion farmers attempt to take an arsenal
new jersey plan plan that included equal representation for each state
Virginia plan plan that included representation for each state based on population
great comprise settled debate over representation us senate=equal house of reps=based on population
3/5ths compromise slaves would be counted as 3/5's of a person when determining a state's population
federalist a person who supported the US constitution
opposition against the political party currently in power
ratify to approve
federalism power is shared so the national gov't is supreme in some areas and the state gov't in others
popular sovereignty authority of a state belongs to the people who live there
XYZ affair French ask for bribe from US officials
cotton gin machine designed to reduce the number of workers needed on a cotton plantation ( removed seeds)
patrollers people who roamed the roads watching for escaped slaves
"positive good" slave owners claim that slaves were treated better than factory workers in the north
sectionalism loyalty to a particular region or section of he country instead of the nation as a whole
the liberator anti slavery newspaper printed by William Lloyd garrison
union another name for the US
nullification the idea that a state had the right to declare a federal law unconstitutional and void it if it was not in the states best interest
Missouri compromise kept the balance of power in the senate by keeping the number of slave states and free states equal
nullifiers favored states rights
unionist wanted more power for the federal government
free soilers people who did not want to see new slave states enter the union
black codes a series of laws intended to restrict freedom of African americans after emancipation
freedmen former slaves made up the majority of the republican party in SC during reconstruction
KKK social group that became a secret political terrorist organization
conservative democrat southern political party that became symbolic of white supremacy
redeemers "reclaimed" SC from the carpetbaggers scalawags and republicans in 1876
red shirts followers of Wade Hampton 1876
13th amendment ended slavery in the US
14th amendment gave African americans US citizenship
15th amendment gave African American men the right to vote
congressional reconstruction called for harshest punishments for confederacy
scalawag white southerner who sided with republicans during reconstruction
crop lien a credit system that was widely used by cotton farmers in the US
Created by: heylenae
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