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Gov Unit 2 SG

Government Unit 2 Study Guide

Institutional/ Government rules that may keep people from voting. Not registered, age restrictions, not a US citizen, no photo ID, to young.
Psychological reasons people may not vote. Don't care for candidates, residency requirements, voter apathy, weekday voting, vote won't count.
Age Older- more likely younger- less likely
Education Older- more likely younger- less likely
Weekday elections Work, school, children.
Voter ID laws No photo ID, not registered in time.
Candidate appeal Disagree with candidate's platform.
Low political efficacy Don't believe/trust the government.
Negative advertising Sway your opinion, decide not to vote.
Things you can do to participate politically. Campaign, put out advertisement, phone calls, social media, protest.
What is the most common act of political participation? Voting.
Political culture (Most) ideas Americans share.
Political ideology Individual beliefs.
Political socialization People form their ideas about politics.
Agents of political socialization/ sources of political influence. Mass media, peers, family/parents, gender/race, religion.
What is the most influential source of political socialization for children? Family.
Conservative Less government involvement/traditional values.
Liberal Open to new behavior or opinions/more government.
Moderate "Middle"
Libertarian As little government as possible.
Issues that would likely be supported under a conservative ideology. Stricter voting ID laws, favor less government regulation of the economy, support "right to life" abortion, favor keeping tax rates low, believe marriage should be between a man and a woman.
Issues that would likely be supported under a liberal ideology. Support "right to choose" (abortion), increased environmental protections, stricter gun control, support affirmative action, more likely to favor marriage equality/gay marriage.
Republican Citizens have a lot of power.
Democrat A person who believes in the rule of the people.
Independent A person not aligned with a political party.
List groups of people that may be more likely to vote for the Republican party. White male, Evan Gelical, southern gun owner, officer in the military, Jewish.
Straight-ticket voting Pick one, straight across the vote.
Split-ticket voting Based on your political party.
Suffrage/franchise Right to vote in public.
Disenfranchise Person or group of people who are stripped of their power.
Electorate A body of people allowed to vote in one election.
Poll tax Money in order to vote. Some people couldn't afford it.
Literacy tests Some people couldn't pass it.
Grandfather clause Exempted certain clauses from the legislation requirements.
Voting Rights Act (1965) Aimed to overcome legal barriers preventing blacks to vote.
Help America Vote Act Established funds to prevent punch card voting.
Motor Voter Law Designed to reverse declining voter registration by registering at DMV'S.
15th Amendment Gave all men the right to vote.
19th Amendment Gave the women the right to vote.
23rd Amendment Gave DC 3 Electoral College votes.
24th Amendment Abolishes the poll tax.
26th Amendment Limited the legal voting age.
What are some methods used by minority groups to gain voting rights/remove barriers to voting? Protest/boycott, lobby leg, petition, march, rally/sit-ins.
Created by: Katwill678
Popular American Government sets




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