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What would the results for pathogenic Neisseria meningitidis on the API Quad Ferm look like? It would be positive for glucose and maltose (yellow) and negative for lactose and sucrose (blue).
What should you do if the glucose is negative on the API? Check to see if 3 tests are positive - if not, set up OF dextrose and motility test and reincubate for an additional 24 hours.
After reincubation of an API strip with a negative glucose, what additional tests will you then read that are NOT read for glucose fermenters? Oxidase and nitrate; also OF dextrose and motility.
What API wells require an anaerobic environment? How is this achieved? The H2S, urease, and decarboxylase (ADH, LDC, ODC) wells. By overlaying them with oil. Note: oil is also important for urease to contain the byproduct (ammonia).
How should the API strips be incubated and why is it important to do it this way? At 35 degrees in a non-CO2 incubator - CO2 can interfere with the pH indicators in the strips.
What is a pitfall with using the API strips instead of MIC/ID? With the MIC/ID panel, you get antibiotic susceptibility results in the same place. With API, you must use another method to get these results. They must be read manually, whereas MIC/ID can be read by the machine.
What is a pitfall with using the API strips instead of Maldi Tof or Vitek? It takes much longer to get results. Maldi Tof reads results in just minutes, but the API must be incubated for 24 hours and must be read manually.
What is the benefit to using the API strips over Maldi Tof or Vitek? They are read manually, but if the machine breaks in these other systems, results cannot be read.
What should be incubated at the same time as the strip? A purity plate, so that one can ensure the culture was pure and results are accurate.
How is the API strip interpreted? The technologist decides which tests are positive or negative, and adds up the corresponding numbers to come up with a 7 digit profile number to look up in the API system for identification.
What organisms is the API strip particularly good for identifying? Bacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae and other non-fastidious gram negative rods.
Created by: laceymaej
Popular Bacteriology sets




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