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MOS chapt 1

What does EMPATHY mean? Sensitivity to the individuals needs and reaction of patient
What does CRITICAL THINKING mean? The consent practice of considering all aspects of a situation in deciding what to believe or do
What does LEARNING STYLE mean? The way an individual perceives and processes info to learn new material
What does PERCEIVING mean? The way an individual looks at information and sees it as real
What does PROCESSING mean? The way an individual internalize new information and makes it their own
What does PROFESSION BEHAVIORS mean? Actions that identify the medical assistant as a member of the healthcare profession
What does REFLECTION mean? Process of new information and creates a new way of seeing the information
What is CRITICAL THINKING 1 STEP? Sorting out conflicting info
What is CRITICAL THINKING 2 STEP? Weighing you knowledge about info
What is CRITICAL THINKING 3 STEP? Letting go of personal biases
What is CRITICAL THINKING FINAL STEP? Deciding on a reasonable action
What are MIND MAPS? For important information
MIND MAPS Spider/ Fishbone/ Chain-of-Events/Cycle
What is COPING MECHANISMS? Help a person gain control over a stressful situation
Different COPING MECHANISMS Adaptive/ Non-adaptive
Different stages of LEARNERS Concrete Reflection/ Abstract Reflective/ Abstract Active/ Concrete Active
Stage 1 of learning Concrete Reflection Want to know the purpose of information
Stage 2 of learning Abstract Reflection Eager to learn
Stage 3 of learning Abstract Active Learns with this combination learning styles want to experiment and test the info their learning
Stage 4 of learning Concrete Active Concerned about how they can use what they learn to make a difference in their lives
What is a comprehensive portifolio and what should it include? Includes examples of work completed in each course and proof of skills achieved
What does PASSIVE mean? A person who shifts his weight when attempting to deal with conflict
What does PASSIVE AGGRESIVE mean? Anger because they were hurt but acts aggressive
What does ASSERTIVE mean? Communication allows you to express your thoughts and feeling honestly and enables you to stand up
What does AGGRESIVE BEHAVIORS mean? Anger behavior
What does ADAPTIVE COPING MECHANISM mean? Can help a person gain control over a stressful situation
What does NON-ADAPTIVE COPING MECHANISM mean? Type of coping strategy that may actually increase stress levels
What does PEAK PERFORMANCE TIME mean? To be more organized in time management you should schedule time
Created by: kayymoore
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