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HASS Progress Test I

Glossary terms, causes of black death, feudal system

Black death -Form of bubonic plague that spread over Europe in 14th century -Killed 1/4 of population
Chivalry -Sum of ideal qualifications of a knight - Includes courtesy, generosity, valour and dexterity in arms
Crusades -Any military expeditions undertaken by the Christians of Europe in the 11th- 13th centuries for the recovery of the Holy Land (from the Muslims)
Divine Rights -The doctrine that the right of rules derives directly from God, NOT the consent of the people
Flagellent -Medieval European sect of fanatics who practiced scourging in public
Guild - Any medieval association, merchants or artisans, organised to maintain standards standards and protect the interests of its members -Local governing body
King -Male sovereign or monarch -Holds by life tenure, usually by hereditary rights -Chief authority over a country and its people
Knight -A mounted soldier serving under a feudal superior
Lord -Person who has authority, control, or power over others -Master, chief, or ruler
Loyalty - State or quality of being loyal -Faithfulness to commitments or obligations
Manorial System -An economic and social system of medieval Europe -All legal and economic power belonged to the lord -He was supported economically from his land and from contributions from the peasant population
Manuscript -The original text of an author's work
Obligation -Something by which a person is bound or obliged to do -Arises out of a sense of duty or results from customs/laws
Peasant -Low social rank -Small, poor farmers
Plague -An infectious, epidemic disease caused by a bacterium -Fever, chills, prostration -Transmitted by rats (bites or fleas)
Reformation -The religious movement in the 16th century -Reform of the Roman Catholic Church, led to the establishment of the Protestant churches.
Renaissance -The activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe -14th to 17th century -Transition from medieval to modern
Siege -The act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies -Lessening the resistance of defenders -> capture possible
Vassal -Person granted the use of land, in return for rendering homage, fealty, and usually military services
Feudalism -The dominant social system -The nobility held lands from the Crown -> exchange military service -Vassals -> tenants of nobles -While peasants obliged to live on their lord's land... give him homage, labour, share of produce -> exchange protection
Feudal System -Military, social, and political customs all followed the feudal system, in which land was exchanged for work -A peasant or worker known as a vassal received a piece of land in return for serving a lord or king
Who was benefited from the feudal system? -Benefitted people of higher power -> tax peasants -Nobility -> luxury of wealth and servants -Knights and barons -> could own several manors and live off the taxes on the peasants -Clergy led simple lives, forsaking possessions in service of God.
What was the job of a bailiff? -Collects and organises taxes -Looks after manor repair -Helped the steward -Owned small tracts of land -> peasant farmer
What rights did a woman have? -Few rights -Could not be educated, have jobs, own manors -Must do housework and have children -Arrange marriage at young age
How much of the population were peasants? - 80% of population were peasants
What was the job of a thatcher? -Made roofs from bunches of reeds -Collected from swamps and riverbanks
What was the job of a steward? -Manor manager -Looks after business matters
What was the job of a reeve? -Reports to Bailiff -Chief serge of village -Supervise farm work
Clergy - Group or body of ordained persons in a religion
Created by: topstudent<3
Popular History sets




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