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IMS 7A SS Chapter 7

Review for Chapter 7 test

Peninsula a piece of land nearly surrounded by water
Bard someone who writes or performs epic poems or stories about heroes and their deeds
Colony group of people living in a new territory who have ties to their homeland; the new territory itself
Polis a Greek city state
Agora a gathering place; marketplace in ancient Greece
Phalanx a group of armed, footed soldiers in ancient Greece arranged close together in rows
Democracy a government by the people
Direct Democracy form of democracy in which all citizens can participate firsthand in the decision making process
Representative Democracy a form of democracy in which citizens elect officials to govern on their behalf
Satrap the governor of a province in ancient Persia
Tyrant an absolute ruler unrestrained by law
Philosopher a person who searches for wisdom and enlightenment
Satrapy the territory governed by an official known as a satrap
Ephor a high ranked government official in Sparta who was elected by the council of elders
Helot enslaved person in ancient Sparta
Zoroastrianism a Persian religion based on the belief of one god
Many communities in ancient Greece were separated by mountains and valleys, which resulted in the development of independent states
The Greek alphabet was based on the Phoenician alphabet
Unlike citizens of Greece people in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt had no rights and no voice in governments
The Acropolis was the hilltop where forts stood and where Greeks built temples to honor local god
Many tyrants came to power in Greece after 650 BC because there was growing unrest among merchants, artisans, and farmers
Spartans leaders favor a military society because they thought it created obedient and loyal citizens
Spartan women could own property and travel since the Spartan men lived away
Sparta had a strict government that discouraged free thinking and new ideas
Spartans differed from the rest of the Greeks in that they discouraged trade, leading to isolation
Cleisthenes was the Athenian leader responsible for creating a new council of 500 citizens
Athens and Sparta differed in their forms of government since Athens was a democracy and Sparta was a Oligarchy
The reforms of Cleisthenes made the government of Athens more democratic
In Athenian society even educated women were not seen as equals to men
Themistocles the director of the Greek Naval forces, directed the war between Greece and Persia
The Greeks were able to defeat the Persian fleet at the Strait of Salamis in part because their ships were smaller and faster
The Persian Empire finally ended when it was invaded by Alexander the Great
After the Persian wars ended Athens became the economic and cultural center of Greece
Slavery in Athens was very common
The Greeks defeated the Persians at Marathon after which a Greek messenger raced 25 miles to Athens to announce the victory
The creation of the Delian League was an example of cooperation among Greek city-states
1792 BC Hammurabi becomes king of the Babylonian Empire
1473 BC Queen Hatshepsut reigns in Egypt
1450 BC Mycenaeans conqured the Minoans; control Aegean
650 BC Greeks colonize shores of the Mediterranean Sea and tyrants ruled
490 BC Darius invades Greece
486 BC Xerxes becomes King of Persia
480 BC Xerxes invades Greece
Greek won in the Straits of Salamis
Greek Leonidas
Greek Citizen soldiers
Greek Zeus
Greek Marathon victory
Greek Ephor
Persians Zoroaster
Persians Satrap
Persians Cyrus the Great
Persians Won at Thermopylae
Persians Full time professional army
Persians Royal Road
Created by: thompson.lisa
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