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Biology Ch. 10.1

The Breath of Life

Aerobic Requires oxygen to live (for cellular respiration) Most organisms on earth are _______
The Respiratory System Makes sure that oxygen can enter each cell in the organism, and that carbon dioxide can leave each cell. Also known as Gas Exchange.
Respiratory Surface Surface area available for gas exchange. Must be big enough for exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide to occur at a rate that will meet the organism's metabolic needs.
Two Requirements to any Respiratory System 1. Respiratory surface 2. Must take place in a moist environment so that carbon dioxide and oxygen are dissolved.
The Lung An internal respiratory surface connected to the air by internal passageways.
What Does the Lung Consist of 1. One or two lungs with a moist respiratory surface. 2. The ability to bring air in contact with this surface. 3. A circulatory system to carry gases between lungs and the rest of the body.
Pleura This membrane is flexible, allowing lungs to expand and contract.
Pleurisy A condition that occurs when the pleura become inflamed; flexibility decreases.
Inspiration The act of taking air into the lungs.
Expiration The act of breathing out.
External Respiration Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and blood.
Internal Respiration Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and cells of the surrounding tissue.
Cellular Respiration A complex series of chemical reactions that take place in the mitochondria of cells.
Turbinates Thin bones which are suspended from the walls of these chambers and increase the surface area.
Pharynx Section of the tract that connects the mouth and nasal cavity to the larynx and esophagus.
Glottis The opening of the trachea which is protected by the epiglottis.
Larynx "voice box", houses the vocal chords, walls contain cartilaginous material which holds the cords in place.
Trachea "wind pipe", flexible tube supported by semicircular cartilage rings which prevent the trachea from collapsing. Carries air to the bronchi.
Alveoli Adjacent to the capillary network. Site of external respiration (oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange).
Created by: Inkina
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