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Social Science

JCC AcaDeca 2017 WWII Social Science

Kaiser Wilhelm II Leader of Imperial Germany until 1918, when worker strikes forced him to flee the country.
Western Front Area of Western Europe stretching from the English Channel in the north and running through Belgium and Northern France to the Swiss border at the South.
Central Powers Power of WWII made up of Imperial Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
Allied Powers Power of WWII that opposed Central Powers, made up of British Empire, France, the Russian Empire, and eventually the US
Big Four Georges Clemenceau o France, David Lloyd George of Great Britain, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, and Woodrow Wilson of the US
Reparations Payment of money or goods for damage inflicted during war.
League of Nations Formed during Treaty of Versailles, would mediate future conflicts.
Self-Determination Woodrow Wilson's idea that national boundaries should mirror the national makeup of a country
Article 231 Infamous "War Guilt" clause, basically blamed Germany for WWI
Weimar Republic Provisional government that replaced the imperial regime under Kaiser Wilhelm II
Fascism Violently nationalistic, anti-liberal, and anti-communist political movement, first used by Benito Mussolini.
Benito Mussolini Fascist leader of Italy in the 20s-40s
Joseph Stalin Leader of the Soviet Union in the 20s and throughoutWWII
Vladmir Lenin First leader of Communism in Russia, starting in 1917 and ending in 1924
Collectivization Process implemented in Soviet Russia where small farms were consolidated into larger, state-run farms where peasants had to work a certain number of days a year to fulfill production quotas.
Five-Year Plan Joseph Stalin's plan designed to move citizens into industrial work on and off of farms.
Show Trials Trials of top-ranking officials in the Soviet Union that were thought not to be loyal to Joseph Stalin. These were widely public
Gulag Prison camp where nearly 1 million people died. Many people here were tortured and abused until they confessed to made-up crimes.
Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party Hitler's Nazi Party, a large reflection of his own political beliefs.
Anti-semitism Hatred of Jews
Aryans The descendants of which Hitler thought were a superior Caucasian people.
Reichstag Building that mysteriously caught fire and was blamed on Communists, allowing Hitler to basically take full control of Germany
Enabling Act Suspended the Weimar constitution, granting Hitler full power for 4 years.
Dachau The first concentration camp, established in March of 1933 to house political prisoners and other undesirables.
Nuremberg Laws Stripped Jews of their citizenship, defined who officially counted as a Jew, and forbade marriage between Jews and pureblooded Germans
Kristallnacht Rose from tensions created by the Nuremberg Laws, consisted of a Polish Jew assassinating a Nazi Party official.
Militarism The idea that a country must maintain a strong military and utilize it aggressively expand its place in the world or to defend itself from outside threats.
Anschluss Union between Germany and Austria, which was strictly forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles
Polish Corridor 20 Mile wide swath of land that gave Poland access to the Baltic Sea
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Outlined both countries' long-term goals in Eastern Europe, but also secretly contained provisions for the division of Poland between them.
Blitzkrieg 'Lightning War' method employed by Germans in WWII, the first example of which was in Hitler's attack on Poland on September 1, 1939.
Luftwaffe German Army and Air Force
Sitzkrieg The so called "Phoney-War" where British and French Governments took no action upon Germany's invasion of Poland
U-Boats Submarines Germany sent to the Atlantic to attack Allied ships once war broke out between the powers.
Maginot Line Thought to be an impenetrable line of forts on the border of Germany and France, built by the French.
Ardennes Forest 250-mile gap in the Maginot Line along the border of Belgium, left open because of possible tensions between Belgium, and difficulty of troop transport through the area.
Operation Market Garden Montgomery's attempt to break through German lines. Consisted of dropping three airborne divisions behind German lines in order to seize key bridges.
Battle of the Bulge Year-long battle between (mainly) American forces and German forces taking place in the Ardennes forest.
Quarantine Speech Speech given by Franklin Roosevelt in 1937, condemning the aggressive actions of nations like Japan, Italy, and Germany
Triparite Pact Signed in September 1940, brought Italy, Germany, and Japan more closely in alignment.
Created by: sirother
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