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Chapter 17

An Industrial Giant Emerges

American Federation of Labor A union, formed in 1886, that organized skilled workers along craft lines. It focused on workplace issues rather than political or social reform.
Interstate Commence Act Federal law establishing the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887, the nation's first regulatory agency.
Sherman Antitrust A federal law, passed in 1890, that outlawed monopolistic organizations that functioned to restrain trade.
Laissez-faire A French term--literally, "to let alone" -- used in economic contexts to signify the absence of governmental interference in or regulation of economic matters.
Knights of Labor Nation Labor organization, formed in 1869 and headed by Uriah Stephens and Terence Powderly.
National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry A farmers' organization, founded in 1867, by Oliver H. Kelley, that initially provided social and cultural benefits but then supported legislation, known as Granger, providing for railroad regulation.
Social Darwinism A belief that Charles Darwin's theory of the evolution of species also applied to social and economic institutions and privacies.
Industrial Growth New nature resources were discovered and exploited, increasing opportunities. Expands population.
Railroad Important first as an industry in themselves. Organized integrated systems.
George, Bellamy, Lloyd The popularity of a number of radical theorists reflects public feelings in the period.
Created by: Casi_bell04
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