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Protestant Reform.

Martin Luther

3 Church Abuses Simony, Nepotism, Pluralism
Simony buying and selling of church property
Nepotism appointing family members to position of power
Pluralism holding more than one office at a time
Wycliff believed the church was corrupt and comes up with first ideas of reformation
John Huss a Czech who believed the church should reform
Council of Constance ends the Great Schism and Babylonian Captivity. Charles V takes control. Huss burnt at stake
The Great Schism moral decline of the Renaissance popes made people question papal infallibility
John Tetzel seller of indulgences for Pope Leo X
Martian Luther 95 theses about Catholic corruptions, Protestant branch
Babylonian Captivity When the Catholic church moved the pope to Avignon; caused the great schism
Diet of Worms Martian Luther vs Catholic Church; Luther refused to recant, was excommunticated
Views of Martian Luther salvation by faith alone, bible is ultamite authority, grace of god brings absolution, 7 sacraments not needed, clergy not superior to laity, only lords supper and baptism are necessary, church is subordinate to state
The Schmalkaldic Leauge formed in fear of Charles V
Peasant's War first modern peasent uprising; they revolt "in the name of Luther"; Luther says "chrush them"
Peace of Augsburg allowed the ruler of the land to choose between Lutherism and Catholicism
"Cuis regio, eius religio" "whose religion, their religion" subjects must accept their ruler's religion
Calvinism began with Zwingli, disagreed with the concept of Transubstaition; known as the Protestant Rome
John Calvin same as Luther, except for the role of the state in church affairs; wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion
Views of Calvin Predestination and church needs a role in gov.
predestination man is predestined to go to heaven or hell
John Knox spread calvinism to scotland; presbyterianism
Huguenots french Calvinists
Henry VIII broke away from Catholic chruch to divorice Cathrine of Aragon- created the Anglican church
Act of Supremacy Henry VIII is head of church, not pope. he takes away monastary lands and executes Thomas More
Edward I Protestant heir of Henry VIII
Mary I Brings Inquisition to England- "Bloody Mary"
Elizabeth I practiced Politique- Religious toleration
39 articles broad and ambiguous religious topics whoch both Protestants and Catholic could believe in
Anglican Church founded by Elizabeth
High Commission "Anglican Inquistion" in belief, but not practice
Elizabethan Age When Elizabeth ruled; Shakespeare wrote plays in this age
Index of Prohibited Books pope instituted forbidden reading material in order to stop protestants
Council of Trent agreed that no concessions will be made to the Protestants
Catholic Counter-Reformation Catholic doctrine remained the same, ended nepotism and indulgences
Pope Paul III pope during counter crusade
Igantius Loyola founder of the Jesuits
Jesuits society of jesus. Strict, militant counter reformers
Gutenberg printing press
Ignatius Loyola solider of the church, a militant crusader for the pope; established the Society of Jesus; wrote Spiritual Exercises
Indulgence selling forgivness by Pope Leo X
Inquisition A tribunal formerly held in the Roman Catholic Church and directed at the suppression of heresy.
Faith belief in Jesus
Works do good things to get into heaven
anabaptists viewed baptism solely as an external witness to a believer's conscious profession of faith, rejected infant baptism, and believed in the separation of church from state, in the shunning of nonbelievers, and in simplicity of life
Mennonites A member of an Anabaptist church characterized particularly by simplicity of life, pacifism, and nonresistance
Humanism A cultural and intellectual movement of the Renaissance that emphasized secular concerns as a result of the rediscovery and study of the literature, art, and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome
Erasmus believed the pope should come second to the bible
Created by: sng4fd
Popular History sets




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