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U.S. History Unit 3

Industrialization & Immigration

Industrialization Term used to describe the change from the hand production of goods to factory methods of manufacturing.
Manufacturing To make something on a large scale using machinery.
Mechanization Term used to describe the shift toward using machines instead of human labor.
Natural Resources Materials or substances that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain.
National Markets Refers to the selling of products all over the country, made possible by advances in transportation.
Textile Industry Manufacturing located in New England that specialized in making clothing.
Automobile Industry The businesses responsible for the design, development, manufacturing, marketing, and selling of motor vehicles
Steel Industry The businesses responsible for the development and production of steel which was located in Pittsburgh, PA.
Meatpacking Industry The meat packing industry handles the slaughtering, processing, packaging, and distribution of animals.
Captains of Industry Business leaders who built up large-scale industries in the U.S. during the late 1800s & early 1900s
Assembly Line A manufacturing process where the parts are added in sequence until the final product is produced.
Advertising A form of communication used to persuade a consumer to buy a product or service.
Monopolies The exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in an industry or service.
Trusts A large business with significant market power.
Alexander G. Bell Inventor of the telephone.
Thomas Edison Inventor of the phonograph, motion picture camera, and the light bulb.
John D. Rockefeller An American businessman and founder of the Standard Oil Company
Andrew Carnegie A Scottish immigrant who was the first to mass produce steel in the U.S.
Cornelius Vanderbilt An American businessman who made his fortune building railroads including the New York Central Railroad.
J.P. Morgan American banker who dominated the banking industry during his time.
Immigration The movement of people from one country to another.
Urbanization Term for the shift from a mostly rural nation/country to one with many growing cities.
Oppressive Cruel or harsh without just cause
Settlement Houses Community centers created in poor neighborhoods to help immigrants improve their lives.
Hull House A settlement house in Chicago founded by Jane Addams to help immigrant families.
Jane Addams A woman who helped found the first settlement house in Chicago. She worked for improved living and working conditions in American cities.
Tenements Multi-family dwelling or home that was often cheap, run-down, and in poor condition.
Ghettos Small areas of a city where people from similar ethnic groups live
Political Machines Organizations that provided social services and jobs in exchange for votes. Often controlled by one person with a group of followers who received rewards for their work.
Corruption Dishonest conduct or behavior by those in power.
Boss Tweed Head of NYC’s powerful Democratic political machine, Tammany Hall, which involved helping put corrupt government officials into political offices.
Created by: thompsonce
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