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History: Test 1 Qrt2


In the Second Continental Congress in May 1775, the new delegates included John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson
Steps delegates they needed to take to prepare for war Forming an army. When Congress chose George Washington as commander. Paying for its army by printing paper money.
Colonists who wanted independence were Patriots
Colonists who were loyal to the British Crown were Loyalists
In May 10, 1775 who captured Fort Ticonderoga Ethan Allen and 83 men called the Green Mountain Boys
The men (Green Mountain Boys) seized weapons, including what weapons, which were later moved to Boston. Cannons
The Olive Branch Petition stated what The colonists were still the kings loyal subjects
At the Battle of Bunker Hill, the British won after what numbered attack, The 3rd attack
At the Battle of Bunker Hill, American militia ran out of what Ammunition
The Battle of Bunker Hill proved what to the Americans They could successfully fight the professional British soldiers
In December 1775, two armies led by Benedict Arnold and Richard Montgomery invaded where and attacked the city of what. Did the attack succeed or fail. Invaded Canada and attacked the city of Quebec. The attack failed.
Banned colonial settlement west of a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains. Proclamation of 1763
Put a duty (or import tax) on several products. It also called for harsh punishment of smugglers. Sugar Act
Required colonists to quarter, or house British troops and provide them with food and other supplies. (even in private houses) Quartering Act
Required that all colonists buy special tax stamps for all kinds of products and activities. (colonists protested) Stamp Act
Said Parliament had total authority (or control) over the colonies. Declaratory Act
Britain would only tax products brought into the colonies. (would no longer tax products or activities inside the colonies) Townshend Acts
Court orders that allowed officials to make searches without saying for what they were searching. Writs of Assistance
A protest including a crowd of workers and sailors in which troops killed 5 in the crowd, and wounded 6 while fighting back. Boston Massacre
A committee established by Samuel Adams with the aim being to keep colonists informed of British actions. Committees of Correspondence
To protect Britain's claim to the Ohio River Valley, who built Fort Necessity south of France's Fort Duquesne. George Washington
A large French army forced Washington to do what Surrender (return to virginia)
During a meeting in Albany, New York, colonial leaders discussed how to win the war and forming an alliance with who The Iroquois, (who refused to ally with the British)
Who drew up the Albany Plan of Union Benjamin Franklin
In the Albany Plan, a council would have authority over what and relations with who Authority over western settlements and relations with Native Americans
In the Albany Plan, the council could organize armies and collect what Collect taxes (to pay expenses)
Colonial assemblies did what to the Albany Plan of Union They rejected the plan
Who was defeated at Fort Duquesne when he ignored warnings about the dangers of ambushes. Braddock
In May 1765, Britain declared war on France, the official beginning of what (American colonists fought with the British against the french) 7 Years War or French and Indian War (same war)
French General Montcalm captured what on Lake Ontario and what on Lake George Fort Oswego on Lake Ontario and Fort William Henry on Lake George
What British Prime Minister sent top generals to command the British William Pitt
In the fall of 1758, the British took what Fort Duquesne
In 1759, the British captured what Quebec, the capital of New France
The other major French city, what, fell in 1760 Montreal
Terms of the Treaty of Paris- Britain's new territories Spanish Florida, French Canada, Most French territories east of the Mississippi
Terms of the Treaty of Paris-Spain's new territories New Orleans and all French territories west of the Mississippi
The trial of who helped establish freedom of the press in America. John Peter Zenger
The brutal voyage across the Atlantic by ships carrying enslaved Africans to the Americas was known as the Middle Passage
The what trade was a series of trade routes that connected the colonies, the Caribbean islands, and africa Triangular
The what was a period of religious revival by Jonathan Edwards and other preachers who urged Americans to commit to God. Great Awakening
Under the terms of the treaty of Paris, who lost almost all of its North american possessions France
The British government believed the colonists should pay taxes to help pay part of Britain's what, from the war. Britain's debt
Samuel Adams led an anti-British protest group called what Sons of Liberty
Colonial leaders met in Philadelphia in 1774 in a meeting known as what, and demanded the repeal of those new laws. First Continental Congress
The american attack on where, during a snowstorm in December 1775 was turned back, and they left Canada to the British Quebec
Created by: Edens Dumervil
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