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Civics & Economics

Elections, Political Parties, and Pressure Groups

Political Process Americans put their political ideas to work at all levels of govt.
Nominating To select candidates
Officeholders Men and women that do the governments work for the people
Two-party system Political parties are part of American govt. Two strong parties…Republican and Democratic
Liberal Govt. should do all it can for the people. Favors a larger central government.
Conservative Believe people should take care of themselves and the central government should remain small with more power to the states.
Third Parties Minor political parties in a two-party system
Editorial News article that gives the opinion of editor or publisher
Op-ed pieces The page opposite the Editorial Page…page of special features
Issue-oriented Being aware of the issues facing the US
Precinct An area with definite boundaries-used for election purposes
Majority More than half
Public Policy Laws that promote interests of general public
Polling Place A Place where citizens go to vote
Finance Money of a government, business, group, or individual
Primary Election where voters of various parties choose a candidate to run in the General Election
Registrar An official or keeper of the record
Voter Turnout Number of people that vote in an election
Policy Maker A person that makes rules, regulations, and laws
Accountable Responsible
General Election An election in which the voters elect their leaders
Electorate The “People” who choose the electors
Electors People elected by the voters in Presidential elections as members of the Electoral College
Electoral College Group of electors that cast the official votes that elect the President and the Vice-President
Platform Declaration of principles and policies adopted by a political party
Reasoned Choices Making a choice that is not extreme – justified, moderate
Bias To give a prejudiced outlook
Propaganda Ideas that are spread to influence people
Media TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, books
Forum A public meeting place for discussion
Lobbying Trying to influence policies and decisions
Demonstrating To make clear by reasoning or evidence
Interest Group Groups that promote the interests of the general public
Candidates People who run for election for public office
Poll A survey taken to measure public opinion
PACS The political arms of an interest group that collect voluntary contributions from members to fund political candidates and parties the interest group favors
Created by: Lisa_Hudson
Popular American Government sets




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