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End of WWI StudyStac

End of WWI Study Stack

mobilize prepare military for war
militarism aggressive strengthening of armed forces
Central Powers the alliance between Austria-Hungary and Germany
Allied Powers France, Russia, and Britain
trench warfare defending a position by fighting from the protection of deep ditches
stalemate a situation in which neither side can win a decisive victory
U-boats German submarines
Lusitania a British passenger liner
Zimmermann Note secret telegram to Mexico sent by the German foreign minister, ARthur Zimmermann, was decoded and then published by American newspapers in March 1917.
Selective Service Act 1917, required U.S. men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register to be drafted
Liberty Bonds provided billions of dollars in loans to the Allies
National War Labor Board in April 1918, the board helped workers and management avoid strikes and reach agreements.
American Expeditionary Force French and British generals called for immediate help on the front lines and asked the American troops to join French and British units.
Communists people who favor the equal distribution of wealth and the end of all forms of private property
strategy a plan for fighting a battle or war
armistice truce, went into effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918`
League of Nations international assembly of nations to work to settle international disputes and encourage democraacy
repartions payments for war damages
Treaty of Versailles peace settlement of WWI
Created by: hayeshornets
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