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Meaning of Culture
Question | Answer |
True or False. Everyone is born into a culture. | True |
All the things that make up a people's entire way of life is called | Culture |
Scientists who study culture around the world are called | Anthropologists |
What four elements make up a culture? | Religion, Food, Customs/Traditions, & Govt/Economics |
What does social organization do for the people of the culture? | Helps them work together to meet their needs (or the needs of the group) |
Every culture needs what type of structure? | Social Structure |
What is the most important unit of social organization? | Family |
A typical family pattern of parents and children is also called | The Nuclear Family |
The Nuclear Family is common in | Industrial societies |
When several generations live within one household it is called | An Extended Family |
True or False. Extended families are rare around the world. | False. |
Cultures with common extended family units often have a strong respect for | The Elders |
True or False. The person who exercises authority within a family is always the same within every culture. | False. It varies greatly from culture to culture. |
When the father is the main decision maker, that is known as | Patriarchal |
When the mother is the main decision maker, that is known as | Matriarchal |
Most cultures have what that ranks people by status? | Social Classes |
What are the things that cultures use to separate people into classes? | Occupation, Education and Ancestry |
What is a 2000 yr old example of ranking people into social classes? | India's Caste System |
In the past, if people were born into a class then they generally | stayed there, did not move up or down |
Today, if people are born into a class then they generally | move up the social ladder |
Social mobility is achieved through what three avenues? | Education, Marriage & Accumulated Wealth |
What is the cornerstone of culture? | Language |
What aspect of human life do all cultures have? | Language |
Through history what means of communication have some cultures NOT developed | Forms of Writing; Some did, but not all |
What do people who speak the same language often share? | Similar beliefs and cultures |
What aspect of culture often supports the values of the culture? | Religion |
True or False. Religious beliefs are the same and seldom varied. | False. Very False. |
Defined as the belief in one god | monotheism |
Defined as a belief in many gods | polytheism |
What is are three examples of monotheism? | christianity, judaism, islam |
What is an example of polytheism? | Hinduism |
What is an example of religious differences than cause conflict within a region? | Israel vs Palestine; Muslims vs Christians |
A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. | Democracy |
A system of government by one person with absolute power. | Autocracy |
A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution. | Oligarchy |
The absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual; chaos; lack of a recognized authority | Anarchy |