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Social Studies

Chapter 1

Louis & Mary Leakey Archaeologists from Kenya who began looking for early human remains in East Africa
Donald Johanson Archaeologist who found "Lucy" a part of an early human skeleton in Ethiopia
Historians Those who study and write about the past
Artifacts Objects made by humans
Archaeologists People who study artifacts, objects made by human beings
Culture Defines the way of life of a society. Beliefs, Values, Practices (People's unique way of life)
Technology Ways of applying knowledge, tools and objects, inventions to meets our needs
Paleolithic Age (Old stone age) 2.5 million years ago Hunter-gatherers
Neolithic Revolution (New stone age) The change in human behavior when humans shifted from hunting-gathering to growing their own food (Change in the way people lived)
Latitude Lines that run East and West on the Earth
Longitude Lines that run North and South on the Earth
Hunting & Gathering Early people that hunted and gathered their food Men-Hunted, Woman-Gathered
Nomads People who moved from place to place
Geography The study of people, their environment, and their resources
Nomadic People who have no permanent homes
Domesticate To tame or adapt wild plants & animals for human use.
Polytheistic The belief in more than one god
History The study of Past Events
Archaeology The study of past human life & culture by the recovery of remaining material evidence
Anthropology The study of the origin of humans and the culture behind them
Sociology The study of human society
Psychology The study of the mind
Political Science The study of issues related to government
Economics The study of the production, distribution, scarcity, and consumption of goods (Money)
B.C Events that occurred before the birth of Jesus
A.D Events that occurred after the birth of Jesus
Primary Source An eyewitness account of an event (diary, autobiography, letter)
Secondary Source A second-hand record of what happened (text book)
Ethnocentrism The belief that one culture is superior to another culture
Cultural Diffusion The blending between different cultural groups
Prehistory Before written history
Paleolithic Era hunters & gatherers, nomadic, simple tools
Neolithic Era Settled civilizations, turning point: learned to farm & domesticated food, Agricultural Revolution
Where do archeologists suggest that the earliest humans originated from East Africa
How did people live during the Paleolithic Age(old Stone Age) Hunter & gathers,
What were the three major changes that took place during the Neolithic Age 1) Domesticated(raised plants and animals in controlled ways) 2) Neolithic Villages emerged 3) people developed new Technology ( to farm with success)
Why did first civilizations developed along river valleys 1) needed water supply 2) means of transportation 3) fertile soil for farming
What are the 8 features of civilizationns 1) Organized government 2) Complex Religions 3) Job Specialization 4) Social Classes 5) Arts and Architecture 6) Public works 7) Writing 8) Development of cities
Compass A tool that helps the user know what direction one is headed
Physical map shows Geographic features such as mountains, lakes, deserts
Political map shows Boundaries/borders of countries (man made)
Prime meridian 0 degrees longitude
Equator 0 degrees latitude
Cardinal directions are North, south, east, and west
Intermediate directions are Northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest
Scribe A person who reads and writes
Pictographs Simple drawings that represent words
Artisan A skilled craftsman who knows a skill
Animism A belief that spirits in nature inhibit all living & no-living objects
Created by: cyanX
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