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Social studies


1. James Oglethorpe establish the colony of Georgia so people in jail (debits) could be free and have jobs
2. Charter of 1732 no liquor dealers,lawyers,Catholics, and no colored skins were allowed to get to Georgia because the thought that they wouldn't work hard and that they would join Spain.
3. what were the four reasons for settlement of GA the reasons were to help others (charity), economic help England earn $ and defense from Spain and the Indians
4. tomochichi He established peaceful relations between the two groups and the ultimate success of Georgia
5. Mary Musgrove she translated for the British to the Indians helping both the British and Indians.
6.Savannah It was the first permanat settelment in GA
7. Salzburgers German protesters that came to GA looking foe religious freedom
8.highland Scots were new settelerlike the Slazurgers, and they belived that slavery was not needed in the colnoinze. They also, hlped he British defeat the spanish in a battle called "Battle of Bloody Marsh"
9. fort king george It was a warning point for the new British colonize from the Spain,French,and Indians incase they attacked
10. Malcontents group of Savannah colonist that went and petition the trustees by telling them that slaves were needed in order to grow crops and make money
11. Battle of bloody marsh It was a attack planned by the Scots and they were able to defeat the Spanish during this battle, which is present day St. Simon's Island
12. Why did the French, Spanish and English colonize the New World? the French,Spanish,and English colonized the new world because the land had many natural resourses
Created by: perla.s
Popular History sets




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