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History chapter 25

lesson 2

FDR famous quote the only thing we have to fear is fear itself
Hundred Days the session started just after the inauguration to the middle of June, special congressional session
New Deal new programs to battle the depression and aid recovery
Emergency Banking Relief Act only banks with enough funds to meet depositors's demands could reopen, singed by roosevelt
Fireside Chats radio addresses in which FDR spoke directly to the people
Civil Works Administration (CWA) Civil Works Administration - employed more than 4 million Americans, building roads and airports
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) provided jobs for hundreds of thousands of people through projects such as planting trees and improving national parks
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) hired people to build dams and generators, bringing electricity and jobs to communities in the Tennessee River valley
The Farm Credit Administration (FCA) helped farmers refinance their mortgages so they could keep their farm
The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) helped stabilize agricultural prices
The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) addressed business concerns by eliminating unfair competition among companies
Frances Perkins First woman in cabinet and the secretary of labor ,helped pass the NIRA
American Liberty League thought the New Deal gave the president too much authority
Bank Holiday closed ever bank in the us for 8 days so it could regain money -FDR
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) gave federal money to the government to distribute
Huey Long thought the New Deal didn't go far enough ( aka Kingfish)
Share our wealth would tax rich Americans and use the money to support the poor, proposed by long
Father Charles Edward Coughlin roman catholic priest that broadcasted sermons on the radio and thought that the New Deal only helped business interests, wanted the government to nationalize the usa
Nationalize takeover all the country's wealth and natural resources
Works Progress Administration (WPA) employed 8.5 million people on projects all over the country building railroads, bridges, parks, and airports
National Youth Administration (NYA) gave part-time jobs to many students, influenced by Eleanor Roosevelt
Social Security Act provided some financial support and security for the elderly, disabled, children and unemployed, passed in 1935
The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 helped regulate business by requiring minimum wage and collective bargaining / declared unconstitutional in 1935
The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) aka Wagner Act , allowed workers to join labor unions and take part in collective bargaining and was created by the national labor relations board
Robert F. Wagner sponsored the NLRA aka Wagner Act
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) organized workers into unions based on industry, not skill level, welcomed African Americans and Hispanics 1935
Sit-down Strike workers stayed in the factories while on strike so they couldn't be replaced by new workers
The National Recovery Administration (NRA) created in 1933 was a keystone of Roosevelt's new deal program
Rural Electrification Administration (REA) brought electricity to rural areas and the number of farms rose from 10% to 25%
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured savings accounts in banks and built back consumer confidence in the banks
Conservatives opposed to the growth of the federal government
Francis Townsend a califronia doctor that was nagry that the government had turned its back on its elderly citizens
Created by: Ella!!
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