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Acid rain rain polluted by gases released into the air by the burning of fossil fuels
ally a country or person that has joined with another country or person for a special purpose
autocracy one leader with complete power
capital recorces man made things we use to help us work
colony a group of people who settle far away from their homeland but still have ties with it
confedaracy loose alliance of countries, states, and other political units
contaminated impure/unclean
credit receiving a good or service now and paying for it later
currency used to buy goods or services
democracy people has the power
dictator ruler with absolute power
divircity being diffrent
economy the wealth and resources of a country or region[especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services]
embargo ban on trading
emissions any pollution or waste released into the air
empire a group of states or countries under a single supreme authority
entreprenuer a person who takes the risk of starting a service
epidemic wild spread of an infectious disease
ethnic a group of people with the same language, culture, and religion
euro the currency of the European Union
fascism power is given to a dictator and freedoms are denied
federal all power is shared between political units
figure head a leader but with barely any power
GDP[Gross Domestic Product] the money the country makes per year
Globalization Linking nations through trade, info, techs, and communication
Guerrilla Member of a small group of solders that attacks suddenly and disappears in the hiding
Holocast Act of mass destruction and loss of life
Hydroelectricity Water to generate electricity
Imperialism Occupying land to form an empire
Indigenous Native
Inflation Prices increase over time
Interdependent When 2 or more things depend on each other for survival
Invest Commit money or capital to gain a financial return
Libirate Give freedom
Litaracy The ability to read and write
Monarchy A govt headed by a king or queen
Natural resources Resources that comes directly from nature
Oligarchy Govt is ruled by a few people
Parliamentary government Democratic form of govt where the leg. Controls the power
Petroleum Dark oil found underground
Pop. Density # of people in a area
Quota Sets a limit of the number of goods that can be traded
Reform To make something better
Republic Desisions are made by elected officials who represents the people
Revenue Income a business makes from the sale of goods and services
Separatists Person who moves away from an established church or religion
Smog Caused by the action of sunlight on polluted air
Specialization Really good at making one or more things
Tariff A tax on imported and exported goods
Unitary Central has the power
Created by: DAVID $t. louis
Popular History sets




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