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Early Fight for CR's

Significant events in the early fight for civil rights

collective name for the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, ratified shortly after the Civil War. Reconstruction amendments
abolished slavery in the North Emancipation Proclamation
abolished slavery nationwide 13th Amendment
granted citizenship to runaway slaves. 14th Amendment
gave all African-Americans the right to vote regardless of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude." 15th Amendment
the period of time from 1865-1877 in which African-Americans received their first, real taste of freedom. Reconstruction
implemented poll taxes, literacy tests, and segregation Jim Crow laws
mandated "separate but equal" and legalized segregation. Plessy v. Ferguson
segregation by law (most prevalent in the South) de jure segregation
segregation without law (most prevalent in the North) de facto segregation
a political, legal, and social struggle to gain full citizenship for African-Americans Civil Rights Movement
lead NAACP legal defense in the 1940's before becoming the first African-American judge appointed to the Supreme Court Thurgood Marshall
overturned "separate but equal" and forced integration Brown v. Board of Education
ordered school desegregation implemented "with all deliberate speed" Brown II
9 African-American students hand-picked to challenge segregation in Arkansas school districts Little Rock Nine
segregationist Arkansas governor in the late 1950's who ordered the National Guard to turn away Little Rock Nine from integrating Little Rock's Central High. Orval Faubus
galvanized Montgomery Bus Boycott through her refusal to give up her bus seat to a white passenger and subsequent arrest. Rosa Parks
Baptist minister who lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott and would later become the face of the Civil Rights movement through his powerful oratory and practice of nonviolent, civil disobedience. Martin Luther King Jr.
Created by: jmg_pianoman
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