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Unit 4 SOL Review

Early National Period

political party groups who NOMINATE CANDIDATES for office and TRY TO GET LAWS PASSED with which they agree
Federalist Party political party led by JOHN ADAMS and ALEXANDER HAMILTON that believed in a STRONG NATIONAL GOVERNMENT and COMMERCIAL ECONOMY, supported by BANKERS and BUSINESS interests in the NORTHEAST
Bank of the United States the FEDERAL BANK of the United States that held the reserves of the American government; proposed and started by ALEXANDER HAMILTON
Jay Treaty a treaty between the U.S. and GREAT BRITAIN that solved many issues left over from the AMERICAN REVOLUTION AND THE TREATY OF PARIS OF 1783; caused ten or more years of PEACEFUL TRADE in the midst of the French Revolutionary Wars that had began in 1793
Democratic-Republican Party political party led by THOMAS JEFFERSON that believed in a WEAK NATIONAL GOVERNMENT and AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY; it was supported by FARMERS, ARTISANS, AND FRONTIER SETTLERS in the SOUTH
Manifest Destiny the idea that it was a DIVINE PLAN that he UNITED STATES would STRETCH FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN
Louisiana Purchase LAND WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER bought from FRANCE under Napoleon during JEFFERSON’s administration (1803) that DOUBLED THE SIZE of the United States
Lewis & Clark Expedition EXPLORATION of the LOUISIANA TERRITORY from St. Louis to the Pacific coast (1804 – 1806) by Merriwether Lewis and William Clark, who were appointed by THOMAS JEFFERSON; they hired an Indian guide and interpreter, SACAJAWEA, to help them
War of 1812 war between BRITAIN and the UNITED STATES during JAMES MADISON’s administration; the war was fueled by BRITISH INTERFERENCE with AMERICAN SHIPPING and the IMPRESSMENT of Americans sailors into the British Navy
Oregon Territory territory CLAIMED BY AMERICANS AFTER their victory over Britain in the WAR OF 1812
Florida Territory SPANISH territory that saw increased migration of American settlers after the War of 1812, which was later ACQUIRED BY TREATY from Spain
Migration people leaving to go a NEW COUNTRY or area to take up PERMANENT RESIDENCE
Industrialization the process of CONVERTING from hand-made TO MACHINE-MADE PRODUCTS
“Cotton Kingdom” the name given to the area of the DEEP SOUTH with large COTTON PLANTATIONS supported by SLAVE LABOR
Monroe Doctrine President JAMES MONROE’s 1823 warning AGAINST NEW EUROPEAN COLONIZATION IN THE AMERICAS that established a new U.S. foreign policy
aristocracy a GOVERNMENT in which POWER is given to those believed to be best qualified, usually the EDUCATED, RICH & POWERFUL
Age of the Common Man a time period when MORE Americans got INVOLVED IN POLITICS because of changes in VOTING LAWS; this caused DIVISION of political parties and geographic regions
Age of Jackson the PRESIDENCY OF ANDREW JACKSON, 1829-1837; the “DEMOCRATIC SPIRIT” of Jackson challenged the economic elites and the National Bank
“spoils system Jackson started GIVING PUBLIC OFFICES to members of the victorious party, even if they didn’t have skills or experience for the job
Democratic Party new political party in the 1820’s; JACKSON was the FIRST elected DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT
Know-Nothing Party a POLITICAL PARTY created by those who DIDN’T LIKE THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Women’s Suffrage Movement a REFORM MOVEMENT that began before the Civil War and continued until 1920; it was led by STANTON & ANTHONY to proclaim the WOMEN’S RIGHT TO VOTE
suffrage the right to VOTE
Seneca Falls Declaration the STATEMENT OF WOMEN’S RIGHTS written at the Seneca Falls Convention, patterned after the Declaration of Independence
“Trail of Tears” the FORCED JOURNEY OF CHEROKEE INDIANS from their homes along the Atlantic Coast to land in OKLAHOMA (1838-1839)
reservations PUBLIC LAND set aside by the American government on which INDIANS COULD LIVE
Alamo FAMOUS BATTLE at an abandoned mission in San Antonio, Texas, in which a band of TEXANS FOUGHT TO THE LAST MAN against a superior force of Mexicans
Texas statehood Texans wanted to become a state after they defeated the Mexicans and BECAME INDEPENDENT IN 1836; CONGRESS APPROVED ANNEXATION OF TEXAS AS A STATE IN 1844, after a debate over slavery and fears of war with Mexico
Mexican War war between Mexico and the United States from 1846 to 1848; AMERICAN VICTORY led to acquisition of territory that became states of CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, UTAH, ARIZONA and parts of COLORADO and NEW MEXICO
George Washington VIRGINIAN who was unanimously elected 1st PRESIDENT of the U. S.; did not belong to a political party; built a strong executive branch
Alexander Hamilton FEDERALIST from NEW YORK, author of FEDERALIST PAPERS, started the FEDERALIST PARTY with Adams, 1st SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, started the Bank of the United States
Thomas Jefferson VIRGINIA lawyer who wrote the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and the VIRGINIA STATUTE OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, 1st SECRETARY OF STATE who started the Democratic-Republican Party, 3rd PRESIDENT, purchased LOUISIANA TERRITORY from France
James Madison AUTHOR / FATHER OF THE CONSTITUTION, author of the VIRGINIA PLAN, 4th PRESIDENT of the United States, President during the WAR OF 1812
James Monroe DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICAN, Governor of and Senator from VIRGINIA, 5th PRESIDENT, author of MONROE DOCTRINE
Meriwether Lewis EXPLORER hired by THOMAS JEFFERSON to explore the LOUISIANA TERRITORY with William Clark
William Clark EXPLORER hired by THOMAS JEFFERSON to explore the LOUISIANA TERRITORY with Meriwether Lewis
Sacajawea SHOSHONE INDIAN woman hired by LEWIS & CLARK to serve as a TRANSLATOR AND GUIDE as they explored the LOUISIANA TERRITORY
Eli Whitney INVENTOR OF THE COTTON GIN, a machine used for separating cotton seeds from cotton fiber
Elizabeth Cady Stanton leader of the WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE movement and organizer of the Seneca Falls Conventio
Susan B. Anthony leader of the WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE movement
Andrew Jackson 7TH PRESIDENT of the United States, presidency marked by controversy over the 2ND BANK OF THE UNITED STATES; ordered the TRAIL OF TEARS
Created by: catherine_pace
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