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Mr. Stickler's Liberty Christian HIST 11 "The Jazz Era" unit test 2022

What happened during the Teapot Dome Scandal? President Harding's secretary of the interior secretly allowed private interests to lease lands containing U.S. Navy oil reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyoming & Elk Hills, California. The Sec.of the Interior received bribes in return. (Pg. 363)
What does the term “supply - side economics” mean? An economic theory which argues that economic growth can be most effectively created by investing in capital, and by lowering barriers on the production of goods and services. (Pg. 365)
What does the term “cooperative individualism” mean? This idea involved encouraging businesses to form trade associations that would voluntarily share information with the federal government. (Pg. 365)
How does "cooperative individualism" relate to Herbert Hoover and economic growth during the Jazz Era? Herbert Hoover was the Secretary of Commerce who came up with the philosophy of "cooperative individualism" to try to promote economic growth. (Pg. 365)
What was the Dawes Plan? Plan in which American banks would make loans to Germany that would enable it to make reparations payments. In exchange, Britain & France would accept less in reparations & pay back more on their war debts. (Pg. 366 - 367)
What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928? Treaty proposed in August 1928 that proposed to outlaw war. (Pg. 367)
How are Henry Ford, the “model T” ford vehicle, and assembly lines are related? Henry Ford created the Model T ford and then created the assembly line system of manufacturing to make it faster. This reduced costs so that more people can afford to buy them. (Pg. 368)
What are the four (4) elements of “The Consumer Society”? 1. Easy consumer credit; 2. Mass Advertising; 3. The Managerial Revolution; 4. Welfare Capitalism.
What does the term “welfare capitalism” mean? When companies allowed workers to buy stock, participate in profit sharing, & receive medical care and pensions. (Pg. 374)
What are/ were “open shops”? A workplace where employees were not required to join a union. (Pg. 374)
What does the term “creationism” mean? The belief that God created the world as described in the Bible. (Pg. 380)
What was the verdict in the Scopes Trial? Scopes was found guilty and fined $100 - but the conviction was later overturned on a technicality. (Pg. 380)
Which Constitutional Amendment instituted Prohibition? The 18th Amendment. (Pg. 381)
Which Constitutional Amendment repealed Prohibition? The 21st Amendment. (Pg. 381)
Where did Fundamentalism come from? It is derived from a series of Christian religious pamphlets titled "The Fundamentals". (Pg. 380)
What act restricted annual admission to the U.S. to 3% of any ethnic group? The Emergency Quota Act. (Pg. 378)
What was the “Great Migration” & why did it take place? The period during the during WWI and the 1920's when hundreds of thousands of African Americans moved from the rural South to industrial cities in the North. (Pg. 388)
What was the Harlem Renaissance? A period of artistic development, racial pride, and political organization among African Americans during the 1920's. (Pg. 388)
Agents from what government agency were responsible for enforcing Prohibition? Treasury Agents. (Pg. 381)
What is the definition of “evolution”? This theory states that human beings developed from lower forms of life over the course of millions of years. (Pg. 380)
What does the term "Bohemian" mean/ refer to? This term means "an artistic and unconventional lifestyle". (Pg. 282)
What does the term "Mass Media" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "radio, movies, newspapers, & magazines aimed at a broad audience". SQR2, Abraham & Vlad
What is the NAACP? This stands for the "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People". The group was founded in the early 1920's. (Pg. 392)
What was the NAACP's mission? This group "battled against segregation and discrimination against African Americans. They focused their efforts primarily on lobbying public officials & working through the court system. (Pg. 392)
Who was Marcus Garvey? He was an African American leader from Jamaica who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). (Pg. 393)
What was the "central message" of the UNIA? Their message was that African Americans could gain economic and political power by educating themselves. He also advocated separation & independence from whites. (Pg. 393)
In the 1920's, which political party did most African Americans who were living in larger northern cities cast their vote for? This group cast their vote for Republican candidates in elections. (Pg. 392)
What are the "roots" of "Blues" music? The "roots" of this type of music can be found in African American spirituals. (Pg. 390)
What are the "roots" of "Jazz" music? The "roots" of this type of music can be found in Dixieland blues and ragtime music. (Pg. 389)
Why did Americans have more leisure time in the 1920's? This occurred due to the new economic prosperity that was flourishing during this time. Americans had more spending money, "which they devoted to making their lives more enjoyable". SQR2, Eric & Isaiah
What does the term "recession" mean/ refer to? This term means "A significant decline in economic activity that’s present for more than a couple of months".
What were Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon's 3 goals for the U.S. economy when he took office? His goals were: 1.) Balance the budget; 2.) Reduce government debt; 3.) Cut taxes.
What was the "Washington Conference"? Meeting of 8 major countries to discuss disarmament.
What was 1 problem with the "Washington Conference"? One (1) problem with this was that Japan was angry because they were asked to have a smaller navy than the U.S. and Great Britain.
What is the "core idea" in "supply side economics"? The core idea of this is that production (i.e. the “supply” side of goods and services) is the most important thing in determining growth.
Why do "supply - side" economic theorists believe that the government should lower taxes for businesses? These theorists believe that this will give business owners more money that they can use to hire more workers and expand their business. This job growth will increase demand, which will boost the economy further.
How did "consumer credit" become a way that systemic racism was further extended in America in the 1920's? This practice extended systemic racism because many wealthy, white business owners based their decision about who was "credit worthy" on the basis of race, denying persons of color a line of credit.
What does the term "systemic racism" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "policies and practices that extend throughout a whole society or organization and that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race".
What was the result of the "Washington Conference"? The result of this was the "Five - Power Naval Limitation Treaty".
What was the "Five - Power Naval Limitation Treaty"? This was a treaty that was proposed by Charles Evans Hughes that imposed a 10-year moratorium on the building of new warships and also listed warships in each country’s navy that should be destroyed (including some American battleships).
What was one (1) major problem with President Harding's choices where his cabinet members were concerned? One (1) major problem with this was that he chose his friends as cabinet members - most of whom had no political experience. This led to bad choices and corruption in his cabinet.
What was the "Emergency Quota Act"? An Act that restricted general admission to the U.S. to only 3% of the number of people in any ethnic group already living in the nation. SQR2, Josephina & Santiago
What triggered a lot of nativism and racism in teh 1920's? Prejudice and fear toward Germans. SQR2. Nola & Maddie.
What did Fundamentalists believe in and what did they reject? They believed in the Bible as being completely true and they rejected the idea of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. SQR2, Natalie & Jayden
Created by: sticklerpjpII
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