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Socal Studies

Chapter 13 Quiz

What is a caucus? a private meeting of party leaders
what is suffrage? the right to vote
What is the spoils system? the practice of rewarding political supporters with jobs
What is mudslinging? wild charges and lies about the candidates
what does secede mean? break away from the United States
What does sovereignty mean? the power to control their affairs
What is the Democratic Party? Why was it formed? Who started it? The Democratic Party was formed by Martin Van Buren to support Andrew Jackson as president. Occured after Jackson lost in 1824. They claimed that Jackson spoke for "the people".
What was the Trail of Tears? The Trail of Tears was when about 17,000 Cherokees were forced to leave their homes and march to Indian Territory. On the way, 4,000 died.
What is nullification? What was nullified? Nullification is when a state refuses to obey a federal law. Nullification was brought up when South Carolina threatened to secede due to the Tariff of 1828.
What was the Indian Removal Act? Was what was written on the Act really what actually happened? How was it different? The Indian Removal Act allowed the president to make treaties with tribes to get them to move. The removal treaties were supposed to be voluntary, but federal agents usually misled or forced tribal leaders to sign the treaties.
What was the panic of 1837? Who was blamed for it? What actions led to the panic? The panic of 1837 was the worst economic depression the country had ever known. Van Buren was blamed for it, but Jackson's economic policies were part of the cause.
What was the Tariff of 1828? What was the argument about it? The Tariff of 1828 helped New England manufacturers, but southern planters hated it. South Carolina threathened to secede if the tariff was not reduced.
What was the Whig Party? Why was it created? Who were some of the followers? The Whig Party was formed by the National Republicans and Democrats unhappy with Jackson. They wanted to get Jackson out of the president's seat.
Who was John Tyler? John Tyler was a Democrat from Virginia. He joined the Whig Party because he didn't like Jackson. He was nominated for Vice-President in the election of 1840. When Harrison died, Tyler became president, but refused to sign many of the Whig Party's bills.
Who was Martin Van Buren? Van Buren founded the Democratic Party. He was elected Vice-President in 1832. He became president after the election of 1836, but was not reelected because of a depression that hit during his presidency.
Who was John Quincy Adams? John Quincy Adams won the election of 1824. He supported economic growth by building roads and canals. Southerners worried that it would cost a lot and would be paid by tariffs. Westerners didn't like Adams' support of the US Bank.
Who was William Henry Harrison? William Henry Harrison of Ohio was nominated by the Whig Party to be president. He won the election of 1840, but caught a severe cold on Inauguration Day and died of pneumonia a month later.
Who was Andrew Jackson? Andrew Jackson was elected president in the election of 1828. Refused to meet with his Cabinet; instead met with his trusted friends-"Kitchen Cabinet" Held country together when SC threatened to secede. Wanted to drive Indians out. Wanted to kill US Bank.
What were some Indian Policies? What were the roots of Jackson's Indian Policies? Jackson thought that Indian land belonged to citizens and he thought Indians would be safer away from Americans. Jackson refused to enforce Supreme Court decision about Jackson vs. the court. Indian removal act.
How did some natives resist? Black hawk War - returned to Illinois, sent to jail. Trail of Tears - Cherokees march to Indian Territory. Seminole War - fought most strongly against removal, beginning in 1835, guerrilla warfare, did not end until 1842
Created by: mchase
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