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U.S.-Dakota War

Agency U.S. Government field office
Traditional Dakota Dakota who wanted to maintain their culture and resist efforts to make them live like European Americans
Farm Dakota Dakota who adopted some European American ways, including farming like settlers
Internment Camp a place where civilians, prisoners of war, and/or political prisoners are held
Exile to force to leave one's country or homeland
Name two changes to the Dakota's traditional homeland that took place between 1851 and 1863. 1. Land was filling up with farms 2. Dakota were left with a small strip of reservation land
What are the differences between the traditional Dakota and the farm Dakota? Traditional Dakota wanted to continue their way of life and farm Dakota adapted to the European way of life.
What was the role of an Indian agent? 1. Carried out the U.S. government's assimilation policies (trying to get the Dakota to change to be more like the European Americans) 2. Oversaw government workers, handed out annuities
What was the role of a trader at the Lower Sioux Agency? 1. Ran the stores where Dakota could buy additional supplies 2. Worked on a credit system and kept records of all business deals
What was the role of the missionary at the Lower Sioux Agency? To convince the Dakota to give up their spiritual traditions and accept Christianity.
What caused tensions between the Dakota and the government officials? The indian agents enacted policies that tried to force the Dakota to assimilate (become like the European Americans) and change their traditional ways.
What caused tensions between the traditional Dakota and the farm Dakota? Some traditional Dakota resented (disliked) the farm Dakota
What about the status of government payments caused tension between the Dakota and government? The annuity payments were always late.
What caused tensions between the Dakota and the traders? Traders acted first as businessmen, not as kin to the Dakota and shut down the credit system.
What about the status of food sources caused tension between the Dakota and government? The Dakota were not able to hunt off the reservation and food supplies were being withheld until annuity payments arrived.
After the killings near Acton, why did some Dakota think it was a good time to fight? Some Dakota thought they should strike before their enemies struck out at them and the U.S. military wouldn't fight back because they were fighting in the Civil War.
How the farm Dakota react to the start of the war? Many farm Dakota began to fear for their lives.
How did settlers react to the start of the war? Many settlers fled their homes and warned each other of the dangers. Some settlers fought back.
What caused the war to end? Henry Sibley led more than 1,400 soldiers to battle the Dakota. The Dakota were defeated at the Battle of Wood Lake and surrendered
How did most Minnesotans react to Colonel Henry Sibley's court? Most Minnesotans supported the trials and wanted the Dakota punished.
Initially, 303 Dakota were sentenced to death. Why were 38 hanged? Bishop Henry Whipple encouraged President Lincoln to review the cases. Lincoln approved the execution of 39 who had been convicted of crimes against civilians. One was pardoned at the last minute.
What were the conditions like at the internment camp? The Dakota were on the riverbank surrounded by a wooden wall, guarded and fed by U.S. soldiers. There was risk of attack by people still angry about the war. Measles and other diseases spread.
In 1863, what happened to the Dakota in Minnesota? The U.S. government cancelled all treaties and the Dakota were exiled to South Dakota where hundreds died of hunger disease.
By 1880, how had Minnesota's settler and Dakota populations changed? Settlers moved into Minnesota. The Dakota population slowly grew in Minnesota.
Who did the Dakota get to lead them into battle? Little Crow
When the Dakota started attacking where did they start? They attacked the traders homes first.
What event caused the Dakota to enter into the U.S.-Dakota War? four Dakota men killed five European settlers in an argument over eggs.
Stephen Riggs a missionary who wanted the Dakota to accept Christianity
Andrew Myrick White trader who said of the hungry Dakota "so far as I am concerned, let them eat grass." He was later found dead with grass stuffed in his mouth.
Created by: wiltsb
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