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Ch. 47

Office Emergencies

automated external defibrillator small automated device used to deliver an electrical shock to a patient suffering from a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia
crash cart wheeled supply cabinet in which emergency equipment and supplied are kept
debrief discussion of events, thoughts, and feelings among persons who have experienced an important or stressful event
defibrillator specialized device used to deliver an electrical shock to a patient suffering from a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia
mock code practice drill for responding to a medical emergency
protocol expected behavior during a given situation
recorder person designated to document a medical emergency
team captain person designated to coordinate activities of all team members during a medical emergency
triage process of sorting patients and setting priorities for their treatment
Airway first priority in first aid; use head tilt method or jaw thrust for pt w/ possible cervical spine injuries
Breathing look to see if pt is breathing and listen for breath sounds, feel if you can feel breath; if not able to start rescue breaths
Circulation check carotid if no pulse start compressions
list PPEs found in crash cart gloves, masks, googles, gowns
list portable O2 delivery equipment found in a crash cart oxygen tanks, oxygen tubing, various types of masks, handheld resuscitation bags, airways (oral and nasal), endotracheal tubes, larungoscopes
list some equipment found in a crash cart blood pressure cuffs, stethoscope, suction equipment, defibrillator or AED,
what are some causes of altered consciousness seizures, conditions related to diabetes management, head injury, stroke, cardiac arrhythmias, and cardiac arrest
what is the emergency response to altered consciousness immediately summon help, keep pt still until evaluated, if a spinal injury is suspected call EMS
what is the emergency response to a generalized seizure DO NOT RESTRAIN OR PLACE ANYTHING IN MOUTH, put pt on their side, clear area; note duration and type of activity; reorient and reassure pt, check vitals, DO NOT OFFER PT ANYTHING TO EAT OR DRINK UNTIL FULLY AWAKE
what is the emergency response to syncope physician must evaluate for underlying disorder and any possible injuries
what are some causes of diabetic emergency hypoglycemia (quick, symptoms include hunger, irritability, confusion, combativeness, weakness, headache, dizziness, sweating, seizure, coma, and death) and Hyperglycemia (slow, symptoms include fatigue, dry skin, tacky mucous membranes, and lethargy)
what is the emergency response to a diabetic emergency keep pt safe and preform glucometer testing, if hypo and able to swallow administer some form of oral sugar, if unknown act as if hypo
what is the emergency response to a head injury get following info: how it happened, any neck or spinal pain, if consciousness was lost and for how long, time the event occurred, any witnesses; obtain baseline vitals
Created by: rewebb
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