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HSCI 131

Chapter 3 Prefixes

pre- before (prenatal: pertaining to before birth)
peri- around (perinatal:pertaining to around birth)
post- after (postnatal: pertaining to after birth)
nat- birth
epi- above, upon (epigastric: pertaining to above the stomach)
hypo- under, below, deficient (hypodermic: pertaining to under the skin
infra- under, below (infracostal: below the ribs)
cost ribs
sub- under, below (subnasal: under the nose)
inter- between (intercostal: between the ribs)
post- after, behind (postnatal: pertaining to after birth)
pre- before, in front of (prenatal)
pro- before, in front of (prognosis: knowing before)
-gnosis knowing
retro- backward, behind (retroversion: turning backwards)
-version turning
bi- two
later side
dipl- double (diplopia: double vision)
diplo- double
hemi- one half (hemiplegia: paralysis of one half of the body)
-plegia paralysis
hyper- excessive, above normal (hyper/calc/emia: excessive calcium in the blood)
calc calcium
-emia blood condition
macro- large
micro- small
mono- one (monotherapy:one treatment)
uni- one (uninuclear: pertaining to one nucleus)
multi- many, much (multigravida: woman who has been pregnant more than once)
poly- many, much (polyphobia: fear of many things)
nulli- none (nulligravida: woman who has not been pregnant
-gravida pregnant woman
primi- first (primigravida: woman during her first pregnancy)
quadri- four (quadriplegia: paralysis of 4 limbs)
tri- three (triceps: three heads)
-ceps head
ab- from, away from (abduction: movement of a limb away from the body)
ad- toward (adduction: movement of a limb toward the body)
circum- around (circumrenal: pertaining to around the kidney)
peri- around (periodontal: pertaining to around a tooth
odont- teeth
dia- through, across (diarrhea: flow through)
trans- through, across (transvaginal: pertaining to across or through the vagina)
ecto- outside, outward (ectogenous: forming outside the body or structure
exo- outside, outward (exotropia: turning outward
extra- outside, outward (extracranial:pertaining to outside the skill)
crani- skull
endo- in, within (endocrine: secrete within)
-crine secrete
intra- in, within (intramuscular: within the muscle)
para- near, beside, beyond (paranasal: beside the nose)
super- upper, above (superior: pertaining to the upper part of a structure)
supra- above, excessive, superior (suprarenal: pertaining to above the kidney
ultra- excess, beyond (ultrasonic: pertaining to sound beyond what can be heard by a human ear)
a- without, not (amastia: without a breast)
mast breast
an- without, not (anesthesia: without feeling)
-esthesia feeling
anti- against (antibacterial: against bacteria)
bacteri bacteria
contra- against (contraception: against conception or impregnation)
brady- slow (bradycardia: slow heart rate)
dys- bad, painful, difficult (dystocia: difficult childbirth)
-tocia childbirth, labor
eu- good, normal (eupnea: normal breathing)
-pnea breathing
hetero- different (heterograft: different transplant)
-graft transplantation
homo- same (homograft: same transplant)
homeo- same (homeoplasia: formation of new tissue similar to that already existing in a part)
mal- bad (malnutrition: bad nutrition)
pan- all (panarthritis: inflammation of all joints)
pseudo- false (pseudocyesis: false pregnancy)
-cyesis pregnancy
syn- union, together, joined (syndactylism: condition of joined fingers or toes)
dactyl fingers, toes
-ism condition
tachy- rapid (tachypnea: rapid breathing)
Created by: arehberg
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