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Subluxation Theories

Theories in Chiropractic

philosophy pursuit of wisdom and search for a general understanding of values
aesthetics study of creation and the principles of art and beauty
epistemlogy study of nature, basis and the extent of knowledge
ethics study of human conduct, character, and values
logic study of principles and methods of reasoning
metaphysics study of fundamental nature and reality and existence
composition critical rationalism, conservation, naturalism, vitalism and holism
conservation doctrine that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports with minimal and gradual change in society
critical rationalism belief that systems of thought can be rationally criticized although concrete proof is impossible
holism belief that in nature, living organisms as a whole are better than a sum of their parts
naturalism belief that posits a particular picture of reality and existence that typically excludes the supernatural
vitalism the functions of a living organism are due to a vital essence distinct from physiochemical forces and that the processes of life are not explicable be the known laws of physics and chemistry alone
neural compression / traction hypothesis DD Palmer. compression interrupts the nerve's action potentials causing hyperesthesia and nerve irritation in the acute phase and decreased sensation and nerve impulse in the chronic phase. irritation and movement can traction nerve roots
axoplasmic abberation/ trophic hypothesis cytoplasm around the axon flow/transport is altered when nerves are irritated or comprised. Transport of proteins, glycoproteins, and neurotransmitters occur anterograde (forward nutrients, nerve growth *faster) retrograde(backward removal of waste
Cord compression hypothesis BJ Palmer only place compressed occipital-atlanto-axial area. Subluxation can effect brain stem. Traction of dura by dentate ligaments or aberrant muscle fibers from RCPMinor attached to spinal dura.Grostic dentate ligs adversely effect neural impulses
proprioceptive insult/ segmental facilitation hypothesis Korr, fixed vert segment activates mechanoreceptors and nociceptors which cause hyperactivity of sensory nerve fibers. lower threshold for firing neurons. Muscle spasm, abnormal reflexes, lowered skin resistance, increased vasomotor & sudomotor activity
somatoautonomic reflex hypothesis receptors activated by subluxation can cause a somatic response or autonomic response
neuroimmunomodulation (neurodystrophic) hypothesis neural dysfunction is stressful to the body and can modify the immune response, altering nerve function. Decreases lymphatic function increases illness. Selye's General adaptation theory
General adaptation syndrome Selye. body's response to acute stress by increasing immune response and decreasing response to chronic stress. Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion
Vascular inefficiency/ vertebral basilar artery insufficiency hypothesis Cervical subluxations may cause distortion or compression of the vertebral arteries effecting cerebral blood flow. Correction restores health.
Inflammation hypothesis acute of chronic inflammation could cause patient to develop spinal articular lesions in response to release of inflammatory mediators such as histamine. Inflamed tissue produces eicosanoids, cytokines, nitrous oxide, and Substance P--> swelling, pain
Vertebral subluxation complex VSC hypothesis Faye. segmental dysfunction progresses to intervertebral subluxation and spinal degeneration.
Gate theory of pain Wall and Melzack 1965. large afferent (mechanoreceptors) fibers may inhibit small afferent (pain) fibers in dorsal horn. Adjustment-->mechanoreceptors stimulated-->inhibitory neurons-->substantia gelatinous-->suppress nociception to thalamus. Pain relief
Created by: polystachya
Popular Chiropractic sets




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