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Chapter 19

What is Outer China made of? Made of mountains, plateaus and deserts
What is the climate and geography in the Tibet- Qinghai Plateau? High elevation and it is cold and dry
Is there more people in Inner China or Outer China Inner China
What landmarks reside on the Tibet-Qinghai Plaeau The Huang He and Chang Jiang Rivers begin in this area
What is considered one of the most dangerous deserts? The Taklamakan Desert
Where can greenery be found in the The Taklamakan Desert? Near an oases
What are the Gobi deserts surroundings like? The ground is mostly stony and rocky
What is the vegetation like in the Gobi Desert? Sparse, spaced out, and in small amounts
What is the Northeastern Plain mainly made up of? Low hills and plains
What was the Northeastern Plain good for? Herding animals
Why wasn't the Northeastern Plain good for growing crops? Because it was too cold and dry
Why is there more people living in Inner China Rivers enrich the soil making it good for growing crops
What are the 2 main regions in Inner China? The North China Plain and the The Chang Jiang Basins
What is a good feature of Inner China? It has a lot of rivers running through it
What makes the North China Plain good for growing crops? The silt from the Huang He river makes the land around it makes the land very fertile
What is the geography of the North China Plain? Very flat land
What crops grows well in the Chang Jiang Basins and why Rice, because it needs moisture and warmth
What are the Chang Jiang Basins geography Low, wet coastal plains
What is the Chang Jiang Basins most important feature The rivers running through it
What is the climate in the Chang Jiang Basin Warn and wet
What kept Inner China isolated? Mountains, plateaus, cold climate, and deserts
How did the earliest inhabitants in China live They fished, probably made fire, built tools, hunted, and gathering
When people began farming they mostly settled in... Inner China on the North China Plain
What did people grow in the Northwestern Desert Cotton, winter wheat, and maize
Created by: gall7104
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