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IGHS Winkels

US History Chapter 18 Vocabulary

imperialism the policy by which strong nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories
extractive economy The Imperial country extracted, or removed, raw materials from the colony and shipped them to the home country
Social Darwinsism the belief that life consists of competitive struggles in which only the fittest survive
Yellow Press newspapers that featured a popular comic-strip character called The Yellow Kid; their stories exaggerated Spanish atrocities
jingoism aggressive nationalism
Treaty of Paris signed in 1898, officially ended the Spanish-American War
insurrection rebellion
guerrilla warfare a form of nontraditional warfare generally involving small bands of fighters to attack behind enemy lines
sphere of influence Countries in Europe and Russia carved China into distinct zones; each power had privileged access to Chinese ports and markets
Boxer Rebellion a rebellion led by a secret society of Chinese who disliked Western ways; in May 1900, they killed missionaries and took over the diplomat's district in Bejing
Open Door Policy America wanted free trade with China.
Russo-Japanese War In Feb. 1904, Japan attacked Russia's Pacific fleet because it was stationed in China.
"Gentlemens' Agreement" San Francisco's school board pledged to end its segregation policy against Asian children in their schools; Japan agreed to limit the emigration of its citizens to the U.S.
Great White Fleet In 1907, 16 white,US battleships went on a "good will cruise" around the world to show our military power
Foraker Act established a civil government in Puerto Rico
Platt Amendment this restricted the rights of newly independent Cubans and effectively brought the island within the U.S. sphere
"big stick" diplomacy U.S. depended on a strong military to achieve its goals
Panama Canal opened in 1914; it shortened the trip from the west coast to the east coast of the U.S. by 8,000 miles
Roosevelt Corollary updated the Monroe Doctrine for an age of economic imperialism
"dollar diplomacy" was aimed to increase American investments in businesses and banks throughout Central America and the Caribbean
"moral diplomacy" President Wilson would work toward promoting "human rights, national integrity, and opportunity" over taking land in other countries
Created by: Winkels
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