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8th America SE

Ch. 1-13

Which country sold the Louisiana Territory to America? France
Which country experienced a potato famine? Ireland
Which country threatened the freedom of Texas? Mexico
Which country supported Christopher Columbus in his expedition to the New World? Spain
Which country signed the Oregon Treaty with the U.S.? England
What are the 3 branches of government? Legislative, Executive, Judicial
Which branch of the government enforces the laws? Executive
What is the purpose of the government as listed in the U.S. Constitution? protect
What did Rhode Island set a precedent for? religious freedom
Who were the first white women to cross the Rockies? Narcissa Whitman, Eliza Spaulding
Who was the greatest orator in Congress? Daniel Webster
Father of American Missions? Adoniram Judson
First state to outlaw liquor during the Second Great Awakening? Maine
Who wrote the first American dictionary? Noah Webster
Texas won its independence from Santa Anna at what battle? San Jacinto
At the Battle of Buena Vista, which general defeated Santa Anna? Zachary Taylor
What was Zachary Taylor's nickname? Old Rough and Ready
Who wrote the Scarlet Letter? Nathaniel Hawthorne
What European discovered the Hawaiian Islands? James Cook
Where was the first major amphibious landing of American forces conducted? Veracruz
Who developed the first successful steamboat? Robert Fulton
Who wrote Poor Richard's Almanac? Ben Franklin
What is applied science or the practical use of scientific knowledge? technology
At whose California ranch was gold discovered? John Sutter
In what year was the California Gold Rush? 1849
What war resulted in establishing English tradition and liberty in North America? French and Indian War
From what city in Missouri did the wagon train leave when starting the Oregon Trail? Independence
What revived interest in trade with the East (Orient)!!!!!!! Crusades
What type of interpretation of the Constitution did Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans stand for? strict
Which act established town school systems in America? Old Delude Satan
This document prepared England for limited government? Magna Carta
Which act levied tax on all legal documents? Stamp
This required all public lands be paid for in silver or gold? Specie Circular
This established townships for the Northwest Territory? Land Ordinance
What did Jamestown prove about economics? free enterprise works best because it promotes personal responsibility
How did missionaries influence the West? brought the gospel and improved the life of the Indians
During the 1800s, why did parents believe that education was important? to maintain freedom
How did the War of 1812 affect the expansion of the U.S.? diminished threat from England and encouraged settlement in the West
Why did the Constitution provide for 3 branches of government? provide checks and balances to guard against one having too much power
Which President issued the Specie Circular? Andrew Jackson
"Fifty-four forty or fight" was the campaign slogan of which president? James K. Polk
Which president ended tribute to the Barbary pirates? Thomas Jefferson
Who was the first U.S. president? George Washington
Which president warned European powers against interfering in the Western Hemisphere? James Monroe
Who was the first man to go to Oregon Country in response to the Indians' call for the gospel? Jason Lee
Who discovered a mountain pass through the Sierra Nevada? James Beckwourth
Who was the first president of the Republic of Texas? Sam Houston
Who promoted the idea of public school? Horace Mann
Who negotiated the purchase that completely settled the southern border of the U.S.? James Gadsden
What was the first permanent French settlement of the New World? Quebec
Who first trained circuit riding preachers during the Second Great Awakening? Francis Asbury
Who established Christian principles in the factories he owned? Francis Cabot Lowell
What type of government was established by the U.S. Constitution? federal republic
What colony established the House of Burgesses? Jamestown
In what year did the "Tariff of Abominations" pass that increased the North's profit at the expense of the South? 1828
Where were the first shots fired that began the War for Independence? Lexington
What area led the Bear Flag Revolt against Mexico? California
Who invented the reaper? Cyrus McCormick
What battle was the turning point of the War for Independence? Saratoga
Created by: Harrison83
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