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ch14 out of many

chapter 14 out of many

General Antonia Lopez de Santa Anna President of mexico who led a siege against the Alamo with 5000 mexican troops.
Tejanos Spanish~speaking people born in Texas who had joined with American settlers fighting for Texas independence
Empresarios Land agents
Vaqueros cowboys
Peones Poor tenant farmers
British Hudson’s Bay Company Began exploring beyond the great lakes in the Canadian west in search of beaver pelts
Metis Offsprings of European men and native women
William Henry Ashley Was of the Rocky mountain fur company in 1824 and created the “rendezvous” system which was a yearly trade fair, held deep in the rocky mountains to which trappers brought their catch
Jim Beckwourth An African American who married a Crow women and was accepted into her tribe and became the Crow Chief
Jedediah Smith First American to enter California over the Sierra Nevada mountains
Lieutenant Zebulon Pike Led an expedition to the Rocky mountains
Major Stephen Long Mapped the Great Plains in 1819~20
John C. Fremont Military explorer who mapped the overland trails to Oregon and California in 1843~44
Major John Wesley Powell Led one of the most famous explorations in 1869 of the Grand Canyon
Artist Karl Bodmer who accompanied Maximilian Thomas Moran, Albert Bierstadt
Great Plain Also known as the Great American Plains
Santa Fe Trail The 900~mile trail opened by American merchants for trading purposes following Mexico’s liberalization of the formerly restrictive trading policies of Spain
Tribes of northern Indian Territory Potawatomis, Wyandots, Kickapoos, Sauks, Foxes, Delawares, Shawnees, Kaskaskias, Peorias, Piankashaws, Weas, Miamis, Omahas, Otos, and Missouris
Frederick Turner America’s most famous historian who observed that the repeated experience of settling new frontiers across the continent had shaped Americans into a uniquely adventurous, optimistic, and democratic people
John O’ Sullivan Argued that Americans had a God~given right to bring the benefits of American democracy to other more backward people
Manifest destiny Doctrine, first expressed in 1845, that the expansion of white Americans across the continent was inevitable and ordained by god
Senator Thomas Hart Benton Advocated trade with India by way of Missouri and Columbia River.
Phoebe Judson Wrote A Pioneer’s Search for an Ideal Home that accounted for her family’s 1852 trip to Oregon
Convention of 1818 Great Britain and United States agree to occupy Oregon Country jointly
Dr. John McLoughlin Director of the Hudson’s Bay company
Oregon’s Donation Land Claim Act of 1850 Codified the practice of giving 320 acres to each white male 18 or older and 640 acres to each married couple to settle in the territory
Oregon Trail Overland trail of more than two thousand miles that carried American settlers from the Midwest to new settlements in Oregon, California, and Utah.
Extranjeros American trappers and traders. Means foreigners
Bent’s fort On Arkansas River, did a brisk trade in beaver skins and buffalo robes
Presidios Forts
ricos rich
pobres poor
mestizo mixed~blood
Comanches Indians who raided small texas settlements, follow buffalo herds
Stephen F. Austin Became the first American land agent after he was given his fathers land in texas
Empresarios Agents who received a land grant from the Spanish or Mexican government in return for organizing settlements
Enclaves Self~containing communities that had little contact with the Indians
James Bowie Wealthy Louisianan who was a legendary fighter for whom the Bowie knife was named married Ursula Veramendhi and made Bowie an honored and well~connected Mexican merchant
Alamo Franciscan mission at San Antonio, Texas that was the site in 1836 of a siege and massacre of Texans by Mexican Troops
James K. Polk He was the first “dark horse” nominated by the Democrats and won in 1844
Mexican~American war War fought between Mexico and the United States between 1846 and 1848 over control of territory in southwest North America
Bear Flag Revolt In which a handful of American settlers declaring that they were playing “the texas game” announced California’s independence from Mexico
John Slidell A secret envoy send to Mexico with an offer of 30 million dollars or more for the Rio Grande border
Henry David Thoreau Philosopher~writer who went to jail rather than pay the taxes he believed would go to the war between America and Mexico
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Signed in Feb. 2 1848, Mexico ceded its northern provinces of California and New Mexico and accepted the Rio Grande as the boundary of Texas.
Gadsden Purchase A ten million dollar purchase adding parts of present~day New Mexico and Arizona. Was made to facilitate transcontinental railroad route
Californios Californians of Spanish descent
John Marshall A carpenter who found gold in CA in 1848.
Levi Strauss German jewish immigrant who decide to sell stuff at the gold rush instead of mine for gold.
Wilmot’s Proviso amendment offer by PA Dem. Wilmot(1846) stipulating that “as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico.. neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory.”
Free~Soil Party Calculated adjustment of abolistionist principles to practical politics. It shifted focus from question of morality of slavery to way in it posed a threat to northern expansion.
Lewis Cass The democratic nominee for the 1848 election who advocated popular sovereignty
Popular Sovereignty A solution to the slavery crisis suggested by Michigan senator Lewis Cass by which territorial residents, not Congress, would decide slavery’s fate
Zachary Taylor A Louisiana slaveholder who won the 1848 elections and was a general and won the battle at Palo Alto
Created by: khushbumisscandy
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