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Causes of American Revolution

French and Indian War 1754-1763: British-American colonists were expanding their territory into the Ohio River Valley; the French and Indian allies fought to prevent the British from continuing west. British won the war.
Treaty of Paris 1763: ended French & Indian War, forced France to give control of Canada to the British and to surrender its claim to land east of the Mississippi River
Consequences of French & Indian War in Britain 1. British controlled largest empire in the world. 2. British government nearly bankrupt & in lots of debt. 3. British government imposed high taxes; unemployment and inflation were issues as well.
Consequences of French & Indian War in America 1. American land speculators could sell land in Ohio Valley. 2. Fewer privateers (pirates) in the Caribbean, merchants could expand their sea trade. 3. Americans began to question why British soldiers needed to be permanently stationed in the colonies.
British strategy to repay debts from French & Indian War 1. Enforced existing tariffs (taxes) on American colonists. 2. Created customs service to prevent smuggling. 3. Established military courts to prosecute smugglers in America.
American response to new British laws & policies 1. Ignoring law 2. Organizing to inform colonists of laws and/or plan action 3. Taking direct action against British
Proclamation of 1763 Passed by Parliament; American colonists were prohibited from settling west of the Appalachian mountains; meant to protect against Native American attacks. Colonists ignored the law and continued moving west of the Appalachians
Sugar Act of 1764 British taxed imports of molasses; meant to help British repay war debts. Americans were angry and ignored the tax
Stamp Act of 1765 Every document/newspaper/etc printed in the colonies needed a stamp showing the tax had been paid. First tax to impact everyone in the colonies. Repealed (gotten rid of) in 1766.
American colonists' reaction to Stamp Act Outraged- argued they did not have representation in Parliament, so any tax imposed by Parliament violated their English civil liberties
Committee of Correspondence Set up by Massachusetts Colonial Assembly with goal of communicating with other colonies to organize a response to Stamp Act
Stamp Act Congress Organized by New York, attended by other colonies; drafted formal petitions of protest against Stamp Act to Parliament
Sons of Liberty Organized by Samuel Adams in Boston to protest Stamp Act (sometimes violently)
Boycott of British goods Merchants in New York organized boycott of all British goods; boycotts spread to other colonies.
Daughters of Liberty Organized during the boycott of British goods- this group spun yarn and wove cloth in their homes, making it possible for the colonies to boycott British cloth
Tea Act 1773: British offered imported tea at a reduced price in British colonies; Americans believed this was a sly way to trick them into buying more cheap tea and paying more taxes to the British
Boston Tea Party December 16, 1773: Organized by Samuel Adams & the Sons of Liberty; boarded 3 tea ships in Boston and destroyed the cargo
Intolerable Acts Passed as punishment for the Boston Tea Party; intended to make an example of Massachusetts and scare the colonies into complying with British law- had the opposite effect; American colonists continued to organize against British rule
Common Sense January 1776: Short essay written by Thomas Paine; argued for American independence from Britain; persuaded many American colonists to fight for independence.
Created by: rbisacky
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