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Mesopotamia Test
Question | Answer |
Myth | a traditional story that explains the practices or beliefs of a people or something in the natural world |
epic | a long poem that records the deeds of a legendary or real hero |
monotheism | a belief in one God |
Gilgamesh | He wanted to be granted immortality |
Enkidu | a wild man created by the gods |
Utnapishtim | he and his wife were granted immortality |
silt | fine particles of fertile soil |
scribe | a person who copies or writes out documents; often a record keeper |
polytheism | a belief in more than one god |
Urshanabi | the boat man who ferried Gilgamest to the underworld |
Ishtar | a great Goddess |
caravans | a group of merchants traveling together for safety, usually with a large number of camels; a group of traveling merchants and animals |
Mesopotamia | Land between two rivers |
Babylon | -rebuilt by Nebuchadnezzar -had the Hanging Gardens -had a complex irrigation system -built many canals -collected high taxes and tributes |
ziggurat | a pyramid-shaped structure with a temple at the tops, has many terraces |
cuneiform | writing developed by the Sumerians that used wedge-shaped marks made in soft clay |
battering ram | a heavy object swung or rammed against a door to break it down. |
bazaar | a marketplace |
city-state | a city that governs itself and its surrounding territory |
empire | a large territory or group of many territories governed by one ruler |
province | a territory governed as a political district of a country or empire |
fertile crescent | Curved strip of land that runs from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf |
irrigation | a system that supplies dry land with water through ditches, pipes, or streams |
What are the two main rivers in Mesopotamia? | Tigris and Euphrates Rivers |
What were the rivers effect on people? | When the rivers would flood, the water would bring silt which would make the soil fertile. The people were able to farm because the soil was fertile. |
Why was writing first invented? | to keep records of trade |
What types of literature did they write once writing became more advanced? | Epics and stories |
Difference/connection between an empire and a province | An empire is made up of a bunch of provinces (Think New Jersey= Province, USA= Empire |
Material did the scribes of Mesopotamia use to write on | Wrote on clay using a stylus |
Importance of Hammurabi's code | -provide laws to all people -very strict -protected the less powerful -influenced later laws |
Who united Sumer’s city-states to form Babylonia? | Hammurabi |
Who invented the wheel? | the Sumerians |
Purpose of irrigation | allowed farmers to water their crops using canals filled by the flooding rivers |
prophet | a messenger sent by God to share God’s word with people |
astronomer | a person who studies planets and stars |
surplus | an amount that is left over after a need has been met |
tribute | payment made to a ruler or state as a sign of surrender; payment to a ruler as a sign of submission or for protection |
Social classes | Upper class- Kings, priests, warriors, government officials Middle Class- Merchants, farmers, fishers, and artisans (largest social group) Lowest Class- enslaved people |