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Life in the Colonies

US History Chapter 4 Review

subsistence farming Producing just enough to meet the families' needs, with little left over to sell or exchange?
Middle Passage The most inhumane aspect of the triangular trade
overseers The plantation bosses who kept the enslaved Africans working hard were called
plantation owners Which group controlled the economic and political life of the Southern Colonies?
shipbuilding important New England industry
slave codes governed enslaved people
diversity cultural variety
cash crops crops that sold easily
mercantilism economic theory
trading illegally smuggling
Glorious Revolution peaceful transfer of power in England
immigration Main reason for population growth in the colonies
train ministers the reason the first colleges were set up in the colonies
vote One thing that no women could legally do in the colonies.
the Great Awakening This was a religious revival
Zenger’s libel case This case was an important step toward the idea of freedom of the press.
civic virtue democratic ideas, practices, and values.
Fort Necessity The small post that George Washington established in Ohio country
British and French the major powers in North America by 1700
raiding British settlements Native Americans often helped the French during the war between France and Britain by doing this.
William Pitt The British prime minister who drove the French out of America
The Treaty of Paris This document marked the end of France as a power in North America
import to bring in from foreign markets
epidemic illness that affects a large number of people
apprentice a person who works for another in order to learn a trade
militia a military force made up of ordinary citizens
Navigation Acts This act directed the flow of goods between the colonies and England
Ohio River Valley Washington's first command was here
The Proclamation of 1763 This called for a halt to westward expansion
diversity The Middle Colonies attracted many Scotch-Irish, German, Dutch, and Swedish settlers. They gave the Middle Colonies a cultural ________________________, or variety, not found in New England.
Magna Carta The protection of people's rights was a central idea in the English system of government. It first appeared in the ____________, or Great Charter, which King John signed on June 15, 1215.
immigration the permanent moving of people into one country from other countries
The Enlightenment This increased interest in science, promoted freedom of thought and expression, a belief in equality, and the idea of popular government.
Benjamin Franklin He was a shining example of civic virtue and the Enlightenment at its best.
Treaty of Paris The treaty that ended the French and Indian War in Europe.
home place where most children in colonial America learned to read and write
Tidewater area in which most of the large Southern plantations were located
back country area near the Appalachian Mountains
royal colonies These types of colonies were ruled by Great Britain
proprietary colonies These types of colonies were ruled by a owner who did as they pleased
Iroquois Confederacy The Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida and Tuscarora made up this powerful group.
Albany Plan of Union Because of lack of colonist support this plan of unity suggested by Benjamin Franklin failed
raise taxes Pitt's plan in regard of how to deal with the cost of the French and Indian War was to eventually do this to the colonists
Navigation Acts Colonial merchants could not use foreign ship to export after the passage of these acts
manufacture goods The colonists resisted the Navigation Acts they wanted to do this
Industrial economy This was the main reason slavery wasn't well established in the North.
agricultural Which term best describes the Southern economy before the Civil War?
French This European colonial group treated Native Americans with more respect.
expel the French Reason George Washington was sent to western Pennsylvania.
naval blockade This helped the British defeat the French by cutting off supplies and reinforcements.
Created by: Ms Plyler
Popular U.S. History sets




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