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Speech exam 2

Monroe's Motivated Sequence Attention, Problem/Issue, Solution/Plan, Visualization, Call to action
Persuasive Appeals Fear: scaring someone into agreement Positive: Making someone feel good so they agree Both examples of....
Fallacies An error in reasoning. Always avoid them
Bandwagon (fallacy) Assuming that because someone or something is popular it is good.
Either or (fallacy) Forces listeners to choose between 2 choices when there are more options.
Emotional Appeals Intended to make listeners sad, happy, scared or anxious.
Emotional Appeals Examples Pride: flattering someone into agreement Guilt: guilting someone into agreement Anxiety: invoking worst fears and worst case scenarios
Refutation/Preemptive Strike Making a point that would be in favor of the other side but you knock it down before they can argue for it.
Immediacy the creation of closeness between speaker and listener
Variety changes in a speaker's rate, pitch, and volume that give the voice variety and expressiveness
Rate Speed at which a person speaks
Tone a way of sound; high, low, monotone
Pause: effect, emphasis, & momentary A momentary break in the vocal delivery of a speech that creates dramatic impact and gives an idea time to sink in. Avoid vocalized pauses (er & um) which create negative perceptions.
Humor only effective when done well. Should flow naturally and not be forced. Best humor pokes fun and does not offend.
Repetition repeating of the same word or phrase @ beginning or end of a speech or sentences
Simile comparison of 2 unlike things using "like" or "as"
Metaphor comparison of 2 unlike things w/o using "like" or "as"
Alliteration repetition of the initial consonant sound of close or adding words
Personification giving inanimate objects human characteristics
Cliché overused expression. Can be good because of familiarity for the audience.
Gestures Should appear natural and help clarify or reinforce your ideas and not distract the audience from the topic
Appearance is important because.... Listeners alway see you before they hear you and base judgement and credibility off of that.
Created by: Tain45
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