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Ch. 4 Vocabulary

Section 1-4

First Continental Congress A gathering of colonial leaders who were deeply troubled about the relationship between Great Britain and the colonies in America.
Patriots Colonists who chose to fight for the independence from Great Britain.
Minutemen Local militia who got their name because they were ready to fight at a minute's notice.
Redcoats British soldiers who wore uniforms with bright red jackets.
Second Continental Congress Second group of delegates from the colonies.
Continental Army This force would soon include soldiers from all colonies and would carry out the fight against Britain.
George Washington A Virginian who was named by Congress to command the army.
Battle of Bunker Hill The famous conflict that was actually launched from Breed's Hill.
Common Sense A 47 page pamphlet that was distributed in Philadelphia in January of 1776.
Declaration of Independence It was formally announced that the colonists broke away from Britain.
Loyalists Colonists who decided to side with the British.
Thomas Paine An author who argued that citizens should make laws.
Thomas Jefferson He is the main author and signer of the Declaration of Independence. He believes that everyone has unalienable rights.
Mercenaries Foreign soldiers who fought not out of loyalty, but for pay.
Battle of Trenton It was an important Patriot victory when 900 prisoners were taken.
Battle of Saratoga In New York that was the turning point of the Revolutionary War.
Marquis de Lafayette A wealthy young Frenchman who brought a ship and arrived in America.
Baron Friedrich Von Steuben An experienced military officer who led out of respect and fear.
Bernardo de Galvez The governor of Spanish Louisiana who was a key ally to the Patriots.
John Paul Jones He was a naval hero who the Patriots owed much success to.
George Rogers Clark He volunteered to lead the western campaign.
Francis Marion He was better than all of the Patriots at guemilla warfare.
Comte de Rochambeau He commanded 6500 troops with George Washington.
Battle of Yorktown The last major battle of the American Revolution.
Treaty of Paris of 1783 Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States.
Impel Force.
Endowed Provided.
Usurpations Wrongful seizures of power.
Evinces Clearly displays.
Despotism Unlimited power.
Tyranny Oppressive power exerted by a government or ruler.
Candid Fair.
Relinquish Release; yield.
Inestimable Priceless.
Formidable Causing dread.
Annihilation Destruction.
Convulsions Violent disturbances.
Naturalization of Foreigners The process by which foreign-born persons become citizens.
Appropriations of land Setting aside land for settlement.
Tenure Term.
A Multitude of Many.
Quartering Lodging; housing.
Arbitrany Not based on law.
Render Make.
Abdicated Given up.
Foreign Mercenaries Soldiers hired to fight for a country not their own.
Perfidy Violation of trust.
Insurrections Rebellion.
Petitioned for Redress Asked formally for a correction of wrongs.
Unwarrantable Jurisdiction Unjustified authority.
Magnanimity Generous spirit.
Conjured Urgently called upon.
Consanguinity Common ancestry.
Acquiesce Consent to.
Rectitude Rightness
Created by: mjys02
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