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Blue Book: ch1
Territory, Lewis and Clark,Idaho Sybols
Question | Answer |
How many Official Idaho state holidays are there? | 10 |
How many square miles large is Idaho? | 83,557 square miles |
What is the Idaho state motto and what does it mean? | "Esto Perpetua" which is Latin for "Let it be perpetual (forever)" |
Where is the lowest elevation in Idaho and what is that elevation? | 770 feet above sea level at the Snake River in Lewiston |
Where is the highest elevation in Idaho and what is that elevation? | 12,662 feet above sea level at the summit of Mt. Borah, in Custer County, in the Lost River Range. |
Where did the name Idaho come from originally? | It was suggested for Colorado, but was the name of a steamship which traveled the Columbia River. |
On what date did Idaho enter the Union (become a state)? | July 3, 1890 |
Name the largest lake in Idaho. | Lake Pend Oreille at 180 square miles |
On what date did Idaho become a territory? | March 4, 1863 |
Which U.S. president signed the act making Idaho a territory? | Abe Lincoln |
Where is the geographic center of Idaho? | settlement of Custer on the Yankee Fork river, Custer County. |
What is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Idaho, and where was it recorded? | 118 degrees at Orofino July 28, 1934 |
How many navigable rivers does Idaho have, and name them. | 5 navigable rivers. Snake, Coeur d'Alene, St. Joes, St. Maries, and Kootenai Rivers. |
What is Idaho's nickname? | The Gem State |
How many of the United States were discovered by Europeans before Idaho? | 49. We were the last state to be discovered. |
How wide is Idaho at its widest point? | 305 miles wide |
How long is Idaho at its longest point? | 479 miles long |
How wide is Idaho at its narrowest point? | 45 miles wide |
How long is Idaho at its shortest point? | 164 miles long |
What is the county seat of Ada County? | Boise |
What is the county seat of Canyon County? | Caldwell |
How many verses are there in our state song? | 2 |
Who wrote the verses to our state song? | Albert Tompkins |
Who wrote the chorus of our state song? | McKinley Helm |
Who wrote the music to our state song? | Sallie-Hume Douglas |
What is the name of our state song? | Here We Have Idaho |
How many landforms are listed in the state song? Name them. | 4. Valleys, Hills, Nook, Rills |
What minerals are named in our state song? | Silver and gold |
What was the original title for the music our state song is set to? | Garden of Paradise |
In what year was "Here We Have Idaho" designated as our state song by the Idaho legislature? | 1931 |
Originally called "Our Idaho", for which school was this the alma mater? | University of Idaho |
Name the Idaho state dance and the year it became an official symbol. | The square dance in 1989 |
Name the Idaho state horse and the year it became an official symbol. | The Appaloosa in 1975 |
Name the Idaho state fish and the year it became an official symbol. | The Cut-throat Trout in 1990 |
Name the Idaho state flower and the year it became an official symbol. | The syringa in 1931. |
Name the Idaho state fossil and the year it became an official symbol. | The Hagerman Horse Fossil in 1988. |
Name the Idaho state fruit. | The huckleberry |
Name the Idaho state bird and the year it became an official symbol. | The Mountain Bluebird in 1931. |
Name the Idaho state raptor and the year it became an official symbol | the Peregrine falcon in 2004. |
Name the Idaho state gem and the year it became an official symbol. | The star garnet in 1967 |
Name the state tree and the year it became an official symbol. | the Western White Pine in 1935 |
Name the state insect and the year it became an official symbol. | the Monarch butterfly in 1992. |
Name the state vegetable. | The potato |
Who is the current governor of Idaho, and how many terms has he served? | C.L. "Butch" Otter. 3 terms |
Who is the current Lieutenant Governor of Idaho? | Brad Little |
What are the requirements that need to be met to be a U.S. Senator? | Get the most popular votes, Be at least 30 years old, Be a U.S. citizen for at least 9 years, Must live in the state for which you are chosen. |
How long is a term for a U.S. Senator? | 6 years |
How many U.S. senators does Idaho have? | 2 |
Name the Idaho U.S. Senators, how many terms they have served, and the district they represent. | Michael D. Crapo, 2nd district, 3 terms. James E. Risch, 1st district, 2 terms |
What are the necessary requirements to be a U.S. Representative? | At least 25 years old, U.S. citizen for at least 7 years, Live in the state for which you are chosen, win the most popular votes |
How long is a term for U.S. Representatives? | 2 years. |
Who are the Representatives from Idaho, which districts do they represent, and how many terms have they served? | Raul Labrador-District 1--3 terms. Michael Simpson-District 2- 8 terms |
Who is the Idaho Secretary of State? | Lawerence Denney |
Who is the Idaho State Controller? | Brandon D. Woolf |
Who is the Idaho State Treasurer? | Ron Crane |
Who is the Idaho Attorney General? | Lawrence G. Wasden |
Who is the Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction? | Sherri Ybarra |
Name the Idaho state fruit. | Huckleberry |
What are the 5 qualifications needed to be a voter in Idaho? | Be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old, live in Idaho for at least 30 days before election day, live in the county at least 30 days before voting, be registered to vote. |
Who is the Chief Justice of the Idaho Supreme Court? | Roger S. Burdick |
Name the other 4 Idaho Supreme Court Justices | Warren E Jones, Jim Jones, Joel Horton, Daniel T Eismann |
In the Idaho Legislature, how many Senators are there, and how many Representatives are there? | 35 Senators, 70 Representatives |
How many Legislative districts are there in Idaho? | 35; each served by 1 Senator and 2 Representatives. |
Who presides over the Senate? | The Lieutenant Governor |
Who presides over the House of Representatives? | The speaker of the House |
What is the highest level of schooling achieved by C.L. Butch Otter? | A Bachelor of Arts Degree |
What is the highest level of schooling achieved by Brad Little? | A Bachelor of Science Degree |
What is the highest level of schooling achieved by Lawerence Denney? | A Bachelor of Science Degree |
What is the highest level of schooling achieved by Michael Simpson? | Graduate of Utah State University and Washington University School of Dentistry |
What is the highest level of schooling achieved by Brandon D Woolf? | A Master's Degree rom Boise State University |
What is the highest level of schooling held by Ron Crane? | An Associates Degree |
What is the highest level of schooling achieved by Lawrence D Wasden? | A J.D. from the University of Idaho and a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Brigham Young University |
What is the highest level of schooling achieved by Sherri Ybarra? | An Ed. S.E.D. |
Does the boundary line between Congressional District one and Congressional District two run more North/South, or East /West? | North/South |
Describe the general climate in Idaho. | It is diverse, with more precipitation in the northern parts, warmer summer temperatures in the southern part, no hurricanes, and tornadoes are rare. |
What major event caused Idaho to be recognized as a territory earlier than expected? | A gold rush |
Which U.S. President approved Idaho as a territory? | President Abraham Lincoln |
On what date did Idaho become an official territory? | March 4, 1863 |
Who designed the Idaho State seal? | Emma Edwards (Green) |
What prize did the designer of the Idaho State seal receive? | $100.00 |
What is unique (special) about the designer of the Idaho State seal? | She is the first, and only, woman to design the Great Seal of a state. |
What important event happened on January 18, 1803? | President Thomas Jefferson requested funds for the Lewis and Clark Expedition |
What happened in December of 1803? | Winter quarters were set at Camp Wood, Illinois |
On what date did the expedition leave to begin their journey, and from where did they leave? | May 10, 1804, from St. Charles, Missouri |
During the expedition, what event occurred on August 20, 1804, and why was it significant? | Sergeant Floyd died--the only member of the expedition to die during the trip. |
On what date did Meriwether Lewis cross Lemhi Pass into present-day Idaho? | August 12, 1805 |
During the expedition, what notable event occurred on August 17, 1805? | Sacajawea recognized her brother, Chief Cameahwait |
On what date did the expedition leave Idaho on their journey west? | October 10, 1805 |
On what date did the expedition reach the Pacific ocean, and what did they write in their journal? | November 7, 1805, "We are in view of the ocean". |
On what date was the Fort Clatsop site selected? | December 7, 1805 |
On what date did the expedition leave Fort Clatsop to start the return trip home? | March 23, 1806 |
During the expedition's return trip to St. Louis, what milestone was reached on June 28, 1806 | They reached Lolo Pass and left Idaho |
What important event happened in the Lewis and Clark Expedition on July 3, 1806? | The expedition split in two. Lewis led a group east along the Blackfoot River, Clark led a group south. |
On what date did the Expedition return back to St. Louis, Missouri? | September 23, 1806 |
In what year was the resolution to make Boise the Idaho capital passed? | 1864 |
In what year was Boise officially made the capital of Idaho? | 1865 |
In what year was land set aside for the Coeur d'Alene reservation, and by which U.S. president? | 1873, President Ulysses S. Grant |
In what year did telephone service first reach Idaho, and where? | 1883, Hailey, Idaho |
What three major events happened in Idaho in the year 1882? | Northern Pacific Railroad completed across northern part of Idaho, first electric light at Philadelphia Smelter near Ketchum, and construction began on New York Canal. |
What big events occurred for Idaho in 1890? | Idaho became the 43rd state, signed in by Pres. Benjamin Harrison, Great Northern Railroad completed across northern part of state, first legislative and statewide elections held |
On what date was the Comprehensive Irrigation law enacted? | March 9, 1895 |
In what year did Governor Steunenberg call in federal troops to suppress riots in Coeur d'Alene mining district? | 1899 |
In what year did the largest sawmill in the USA begin operating and where was it? | 1906 in Potlatch |
In what year was William Borah elected to the U.S. senate, and Harry Orchard sentenced to life in prison for killing Steunenberg? | 1907 |
In what year was the Idaho state flag adopted? | 1907 |
In what year was Sun Valley established, the first ski lift in the world opened at Sun Valley, and William Borah became the first presidential candidate from Idaho? | 1936 |
When was paving completed on the north south highway in Idaho (highway 95)? | 1938 |
Gowen Field was completed and becomes a military air base, and JR Simplot opened a food dehydrator plant in Caldwell in what year? | 1941 |
In what year did the National Reactor Testing Station become the first place in the world using nuclear fission to produce electricity? | 1951 |
What event occurred in Boise on July 12, 1953? | Television came to Idaho--KIDO-TV, now KTVB |
In what year did Cecil Andrus resign as governor of Idaho to become the US Secretary of the Interior? | 1977 |
In what year did the INEL inject plutonium into the Snake river plain aquifer? | 1979 |
What Senate position was Senator Frank church appointed as Chairman to in 1979? | Senate Committee on Foreign Relations |
Claude Dallas, convicted for killing two game wardens in 1982, escaped from the Idaho Penitentiary on March 30th of what year? | 1986 |
In what year was the prohibition against state lotteries lifted, or removed by popular vote? | 1988 |
1988 was the year Governor Andrus temporarily banned shipments of WHAT from coming to Idaho? | Nuclear Waste |
On what date did Idaho celebrate its Statehood Centennial? | July 3, 1990 |
Giant Slalom skier, Picabo (pronounced Peek-a-boo) Street, won gold at the Olympic winter Games of what year? | 1998 |
How long was the longest legislative session in history, and in what year did it happen? | 118 days in 2003 |
In what year did Idaho sales tax go up to 6%? | 2003 |
In what year did the sales tax go down to 5%, Idaho troops deployed to Iraq and the Persian Gulf, and the Nez Perce water agreement was passed? | 2005 |
In 2006, President Bush nominated Idaho governor Dirk Kempthorne to what position? | U.S. Secretary of the Interior |
What was the biggest news story of the year in 2007? | Senator Larry Craig's arrest |
What did the BSU Bronco Football team achieve in 2007? | They won their first Fiesta Bowl! |
What was the average price of a gallon of gasoline in Idaho in 2008? | $4.00 a gallon |
In what year did President Barack Obama first visit Idaho? | 2008 |
What did the Tamarack Ski Resort do in 2009? | They closed. |
What year did Idaho hold its first gray wolf hunts? | 2009 |
In 2010, Governor Butch Otter was the first governor IN THE NATION to do what? | Sue the Federal Government over provisions in the nationwide health care reform |
What was the most hotly debated topic in the 2011 Idaho Legislative Session? | Education Reform |
Name the state amphibian and the year it became official. | The Idaho Giant Salamander, 2015 |