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Planning at Different Scales, Neighborhood, Waterfront, Historic Buildings

National Planning wide variety of planning. Fed govmt = federal lands and facilities; US gvmt = comp planning, land mgmt, NEPA; Military = comm planning & site planning. Provide technical assistance ot state and local gvmts.
Multi-State Planning Occurs with shared interest. Mostly transportation planning such as interstate highway system. TEA -21 funding for Trans-Texas Corridor. Multi-state MPOs manage funds. Tennessee Valley Authority and Hoover Dam with water planning
State Planning Wide variety of planning efforts, oversee planning at local level, set state-level and land use policy. Maryland Smart Growth. Provide technical assistance to local governments.
Regional Planning Transportation planning is the most common, inclu corridor planning. Regional issues such as economic development, transportation and housing can be included in regional plans.
County Planning Typically counties work with unincorporated, townships, villages and cities to perform planning. Tx is rare to have minimal planning since they don'e have zoning authority.
Urban Planning Issues like deteriorating house stock, neighborhood revit, econ dev, downtown revit, brownfields, business improvement districts, greyfields, heat islands, pop up urbanism. TIF, UGB
Suburban Planning Same as Urban Planning but also place making, econ dev, maintaining healthy house stock, dead malls, sprawl, suburban poverty, TOD, zombie subdivisions
Small Town Planning Typically not a planner on staff, agricultural land loss, preservation, conversation easements, main street programs
Corridor Planning All levels of planning. Typically refers to roadways but can also be waterways and greenways; typically under MPOs but can also happen at national, multi-state, local, regional or county. Identifies long range needs, eval, alt and implements strategies
Corridor Planning Types 1) National Heritage Area (Congress), 2. National Corridor Planning and Development Program (Fed), 3. National Scenic Byways (Fed), 4. Corridor Transportation Planning (MPO and Reg), 5. Greenways and Byways (Reg or Local), 6. Greenbelts (county and local)
National Heritage Area Places where natural, cultural and historic resources combine to form a cohesive, nationally important landscape. Defined by Congress. Can be found on National Park Service website. Can be corridors
National Corridor Planning & Development Program Fed Grant program funded by Map-21. Provides funding for planning, project development, construction and operation of project near Mexico and Canada. Funds corridor plans and multi-state coordination. Trans-Texas Corridor
National Scenic Byways Program, 1992 Federal Hwy Admin created to designate and fund enhancements of scenic hwys across the US. To receive funding, roadway must have archaeological, cultural, historic, natural, recreational and / or scenic qualities & a corridor mgmt plan
Corridor Transportation Planning MPOs conduct at regional planning. Long range transportation needs along corridor, eval alternatives, implement strategies. Ex. HGAC Access Mgmt Studies
Greenways and Byways Planning Typically created at the reg level but can also create at the local level for riparian and river areas to protect natural resources, provide alt transp options, connect neighborhoods w rec opps, promote healthy communities, create econ dev opps
Greenbelts Undeveloped natural land areas set aside for open space and recreation. Provide link for urban residents with nature. Nonprofit "Greenbelt Alliance" has lobbied for 21 urban growth boundaries across four counties surrounding San Francisco, CA
Neighborhood Planning Idea of the neighborhood was introduced in 1915 by Robert Park and EW Burgess. Do not match Census tracts; hard to define geographically. Sub-city planning with topics such as crime prev and historic pres. Public Participation is critical
Waterfront Planning Clean Water Act aided in restoring the impacts of industry on waterfronts which often require environmental mitigation. Also need to consider flooding req from the Army Corps. Elevated or setbacks? Utility location? how to deal with climate change?
Historic District National Register of Historic Places def "geographically definable area... poss significant concentration, linkage of sites, building, structures or objects unified by past events. Vary in size. Designated at local, state and/or national
1st historical district created in Charleston, South Carolina
National Register of Historic Places 1966 National Historic Pres Act admin by Parks Service. Nation's official list of historically significant places. George Washington's homestead. Allows properties to qualify for federal tax incentives, property must be more than 50 yrs old
State and Local Historic Districts 1966 National Historic Pres Act requires all states to have a State Historic Preservation Office. States and locals can write their own criteria for historic designations, can have no restrictions or strict adherence.
Downtown Planning Type of "specific area plan" Identifies development goals that are specific to the needs of the downtown area. Incl land use, development needs, streetscape, trans, growth and revitalization strategies.
Created by: cristinrae21
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